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If you put Soothe Bell on a Pokemon or give it Pokeblocks.

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Q: How do you make friendship in Pokemon emerald?
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What level Pichu evolve into Picachu in Pokemon Emerald?

He evolves by friendship not by leveling up.

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There is no specific level but it only evolves when you have max friendship and are bonded.

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Pokemon will probably make aurora emerald if anything.

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There are several Pokemon that will make a baby with Blaziken on Pokemon Emerald. These include Pikachu, Sandshrew, and Vulpix.

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You Have to migrate a Feebas from Pokemon Ruby, Emerald or Sapphire, Max out it's friendship and it will evolve into a Milotic,

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How do you get gold bat to evolve into Crobat in Pokemon emerald?

golbat evolves through friendship so give him a soothe bell, level him up, and make sure not to let him faint

How do you make a full Pokemon to hungry in Pokemon emerald?

Not possible.

What Pokemon evolves from happiness in Pokemon emerald?

Actually, quite a few. (It's called FRIENDSHIP, btw) 1. Golbat evolves to Crobat 2. Pichu to Pikachu (breed) 3. Iglybuff to Jigglypuff (breed) These are for Pokemon YOU CAN CATCH in Emerald.

Where do you check Pokemon friendship in Pokemon Emerald?

At pacifidlog town,go down and go will see a house, go to the old man.

How do you make the battle with your dad available on Pokemon emerald?

of course after you get empoleon in emerald

How do you make Lombre the Pokemon evolve in Pokemon emerald?

Use a leaf stone on it