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Almost the same as a regular one. He's Ruby colored.

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Q: What does shiny Infernape look like?
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Related questions

When does infernape evolve into shiny infernape?

If your Infernape is not shiny to begin with, it will not evolve into a shiny Pokemon.

How do you get Shiny Infernape?

you can't. you can only get Bulbasaur - Deoxys.

What is a good nickname for an Infernape?

Infered if its shiny! Cant think of a good one for a non-shiny, mines shiny thats why!

Someone want a shiny gyaradous I will trade to you a shiny gyaradous lvl 100 if you give me a shiny treecko?

no but wut about a level 71 infernape

What do shiny Pokemon look like in sapphire?

What do you think... SHINY!!!!

What is your best Pokemon?

my Infernape shiny lv 100 no cheats just loads of attemps

What does a shiny charamander look like?

The shiny Charamander will be a black color.

How pearls look?

They look like shiny balls.

Can you get a shiny chimchar in Pokemon Platinum?

yes you can by putting infernape and ditto in Pokemon daycare center

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They're shiny(:

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