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Q: What does salacious?
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What nine letter words begin with S and end with S?

senseless Here's few more: sagacious. salacious. saltiness. saltworks. sandglass. sandiness. sapidness. sauciness. savorless. sebaceous. seditious. semantics. semigloss. semiotics. sericeous. setaceous. seventies. shadiness. shakiness. shameless. shapeless. sharpness. shiftless. shininess. shortness. showiness. sidewards. sightless. siliceous. silkgrass. silkiness. silliness. sinusitis. sissiness. skinheads. slackness. slantways. slaveless. sleekness. sleepless. slickness. slambrous. smallness. smartness. smokeless. soapiness. soberness. sogginess. solemness. solidness. sometimes. sootiness. sorceress. sorcerous. sorriness. soundless. soundness. soupiness. spareness. speckless. sphacelus. spiciness. spineless. spiritous. splinters. sprinkles. squatness. staginess. staidness. stainless. staleness. stalkness. starkness. stateless. steepness. sternness. stiffness. stillness. stingless. stoneless. stoutness. strangles. strapless. strenuous. stuporous. styleless. suaveness. sugarless. sulfurous. sulkiness. sumptuous. sunniness. surliness. sweetness. swiftness. syllepsis. symbiosis. symphysis. syneresis. synthesis.

What are Personality words that start with S?

sad, sage, saintly, salacious, salty, salubrious, sanctimonious, sane, sanguine, sarcastic, sardonic, sartorial, satisfied, saturnine, savvy, scared, scathing, scheming, scientific, scintillating, scoffing, scoundrel, scowling, scrappy, scrupulous, scurrilous, secluded, secretive, secular, sedate, sedentary, seemly, seething, senatorial, sensible, sensitive, serene, serious, servile, settled, severe, shady, shaky, shallow, shameful, shifty, shocking, shrewd, shrill, shy, silent, silly, simple, sisterly, stimulating, sincere, single, singular, sinister, siren, skeptical, skillful, skunk, slacker, slanderous, slapdash, slavish, sleek, sleepy, slick, slimy, slothful, slovenly, slow, sluggish, small, snarling, sneaky, sneering, snickering, snobbish, smug, sober, social, soft, solemn, solicitous, solid, solitary, somber, somnolent, soothing, sorry, sparkly, spiritual, spiteful, splendid, spoiled, spontaneous, sporty, spurious, squeaky, squeamish, stable, stagnant, staid, stalwart, starched-shirt, star, stark, starving, statesmanlike, stately, staunch, steadfast, stealthy, sterile, stern, sterling, stiff, stingy, stoic, stolid, stony, stormy, straight, strained, strategic, strange, strong, stressed, strident, striking, struggling, stubborn, studious, stupid, sturdy, stylish, suave, subdued, subservient, subtle, successful, succinct, sugary, suicidal, suitable, sullen, sultry, superb, supercilious, superstitious, superficial, supernatural, sure, surly, surreptitious, susceptible, suspicious, swarthy, sweet, swell, swishy, sycophant, sympathetic, syrupy

What are some words that begin and end with the letter s?

stress, Swiss Many plural words beginning with s : skis, spars, sheds, symptoms,shops, sisters ...three (3) letter word:sis.four (4) letter word:sass. sims. siss. sops. suds.five (5) letter word:sales. sands. scads. scots. seats. shoes. silks. sills. sinus. siris. slews. slops. smuts. snips. sorus. spots. stays. steps. stops. swiss.six (6) letter word:sanies. schuss. scopes. scores. scours. scraps. scrubs. sepsis. series. serous. sevens. shades. shamus. shears. shorts. shucks. sights. slacks. soleus. stacks. stairs. stakes. stalls. stapes. stasis. status. stocks. stress. stylus. succus. sulcus. (7) letter word:sadness. sanious. sapiens. sapless. sardius. savings. scabies. schnaps. scyphus. seiurus. sellers. serinus. serious. sexless. shakers. shyness. silents. singles. sinless. sinopis. sinuous. sixties. slyness. solidus. sonchus. species. spinous. spirits. sprites. squalus. starets. statics. straits. stratus. strings. stripes. stypsis. success. succuss. summons. sunless. surpass. surplus.eight (8) letter word:sacculus. safeness. saporous. sameness. saneness. sawbones. scabrous. scalenus. schnapps. scissors. scruples. seagrass. seamless. seawards. sedulous. seedless. selfless. sensuous. sereness. serratus. services. sessions. sexiness. shambles. shingles. shitless. shoeless. sickness. sideways. skewness. skinless. skittles. skivvies. skywards. slimness. slowness. slyboots. smugness. snuffers. snugness. soapsuds. softness. soleless. someways. sonorous. soreness. soulless. sourness. sourpuss. spacious. specious. spermous. sphecius. splenius. spondias. spotless. spurious. spyglass. staggers. stannous. starches. starless. stations. stemless. stenosis. stimulus. studious. succubus. sundress. sundries. sundrops. sunglass. suppress. sureness. susurrus. syllabus. synapsis. synopsis. syphilis.nine (9) letter word:sagacious. salacious. saltiness. saltworks. sandglass. sandiness. sapidness. sauciness. savorless. sebaceous. seditious. semantics. semigloss. semiotics. sericeous. setaceous. seventies. shadiness. shakiness. shameless. shapeless. sharpness. shiftless. shininess. shortness. showiness. sidewards. sightless. siliceous. silkgrass. silkiness. silliness. sinusitis. sissiness. skinheads. slackness. slantways. slaveless. sleekness. sleepless. slickness. slambrous. smallness. smartness. smokeless. soapiness. soberness. sogginess. solemness. solidness. sometimes. sootiness. sorceress. sorcerous. sorriness. soundless. soundness. soupiness. spareness. speckless. sphacelus. spiciness. spineless. spiritous. splinters. sprinkles. squatness. staginess. staidness. stainless. staleness. stalkness. starkness. stateless. steepness. sternness. stiffness. stillness. stingless. stoneless. stoutness. strangles. strapless. strenuous. stuporous. styleless. suaveness. sugarless. sulfurous. sulkiness. sumptuous. sunniness. surliness. sweetness. swiftness. syllepsis. symbiosis. symphysis. syneresis. synthesis.

What are some words that begin and end with the same letter?

Some words that begin and end with the same letter include "civic," "level," "radar," and "rever." These words are known as palindromes, which are words or phrases that read the same forwards and backwards. Palindromes are a fun linguistic phenomenon that can be found in various languages.

What words have the letter l as the third letter of a nine letter word?

ablations, ablatives, ablegates, ablutions, aflatoxin, aglycones, ailanthus, allanites, allantoic, allantoin, allantois, allegedly, allegiant, allelisms, alleluias, allemande, allergens, allergies, allergins, allergist, allethrin, alleviate, alleyways, alliances, alligator, allocable, allocated, allocates, allocator, allogenic, allograft, allograph, allometry, allomorph, allopaths, allopatry, allophane, allophone, allostery, allotment, allotrope, allotropy, allottees, allotters, allotting, allotypes, allotypic, allowable, allowably, allowance, allowedly, allspices, allusions, alluvials, alluvions, alluviums, aplanatic, axletrees, balaclava, balalaika, balancers, balancing, balconied, balconies, baldachin, baldheads, baldpates, baldricks, balefires, balefully, balisaurs, balkanize, balkiness, balklines, balladeer, balladist, ballasted, ballerina, ballgames, ballhawks, ballistae, ballistic, ballonets, ballonnes, ballooned, balloters, balloting, ballparks, ballpoint, ballrooms, ballyhoos, ballyrags, balmacaan, balminess, balmorals, balsaming, balusters, belabored, belabours, beladying, belatedly, belauding, beleaguer, beleaping, belemnite, believers, believing, beliquors, belittled, belittler, belittles, bellbirds, bellicose, bellowers, bellowing, bellpulls, bellworts, bellyache, bellyband, bellyfuls, belonging, beltlines, belvedere, bilabials, bilabiate, bilanders, bilateral, bilharzia, bilingual, biliously, bilirubin, billabong, billboard, billeters, billeting, billfolds, billheads, billhooks, billiards, billionth, billowier, billowing, billycans, billycock, boldfaced, boldfaces, boletuses, bolivares, boliviano, bollixing, bolloxing, bollworms, bolometer, bolstered, bolsterer, boltheads, boltholes, boltonias, boltropes, bulbously, bulkheads, bulkiness, bulldozed, bulldozer, bulldozes, bulleting, bulletins, bullfight, bullfinch, bullfrogs, bullheads, bullhorns, bullishly, bullnecks, bullnoses, bullpouts, bullrings, bullshots, bullweeds, bullwhips, bullyboys, bullyrags, bulrushes, bulwarked, calaboose, caladiums, calamaris, calamined, calamines, calamints, calamites, calcaneal, calcaneum, calcaneus, calcicole, calcified, calcifies, calcifuge, calcimine, calcining, calcspars, calctufas, calctuffs, calculate, calculous, caldarium, calendars, calenders, calendric, calendula, calenture, calfskins, calibrate, califates, calipered, caliphate, calisayas, callaloos, callbacks, calliopes, callipees, callipers, callosity, calloused, callouses, callously, callowest, callusing, calmative, calorific, calorized, calorizes, calotypes, calthrops, calumnies, calutrons, calvarias, calvaries, calvarium, calyculus, calypsoes, calypters, calyptras, celandine, celebrant, celebrate, celebrity, celeriacs, celestial, celestite, celibates, cellarage, cellarers, cellarets, cellaring, cellmates, celloidin, cellulase, cellulite, celluloid, cellulose, celotexes, chlamydes, chlamydia, chlamyses, chloracne, chlorates, chlordane, chlordans, chlorella, chlorides, chlorines, chlorites, chloritic, chloroses, chlorosis, chlorotic, cilantros, ciliation, colanders, colcannon, colchicum, coldblood, coldcocks, coleaders, coleading, coleseeds, coleslaws, colessees, colessors, coleworts, colicines, colickier, colicroot, coliforms, coliphage, coliseums, colistins, colitises, collagens, collaging, collagist, collapsed, collapses, collarets, collaring, collating, collation, collators, colleague, collected, collector, collegers, collegial, collegian, collegium, colleting, colliders, colliding, colligate, collimate, collinear, collinses, collision, collocate, collodion, collogued, collogues, colloidal, colloquia, collotype, colluders, colluding, collusion, collusive, colluvial, colluvium, collyrium, colocated, colocates, colocynth, colonelcy, colonials, colonised, colonises, colonists, colonized, colonizer, colonizes, colonnade, colophons, colophony, colorable, colorably, colorants, colorbred, colorfast, colorific, colorings, colorisms, colorists, colorized, colorizes, colorless, colosseum, colostomy, colostral, colostrum, colourers, colouring, coltishly, coltsfoot, colubrids, colubrine, columbine, columbite, columbium, columella, columnist, culicines, cullender, culminant, culminate, cultigens, cultishly, cultivars, cultivate, culturati, culturing, culverins, cylinders, cylindric, dalliance, dalmatian, dalmatics, delations, deleading, deleaving, delegable, delegated, delegatee, delegates, delegator, deletions, delftware, delicates, delicious, delighted, delighter, delimited, delimiter, delineate, delirious, deliriums, delisting, delivered, deliverer, delousers, delousing, deltoidei, delusions, delusters, dilatable, dilatancy, dilatants, dilations, diligence, dilutions, diluvions, diluviums, dolefully, dolerites, doleritic, dollhouse, dollishly, dolloping, dolomites, dolomitic, doltishly, dulcianas, dulcified, dulcifies, dulcimers, dulcimore, dulcineas, dullishly, dulnesses, ealdorman, ealdormen, eclampsia, eclamptic, eclectics, eclipsing, ecliptics, eclogites, eclosions, eglantine, eglateres, ellipsoid, enlargers, enlarging, enlighten, enlistees, enlisters, enlisting, enlivened, eolipiles, eolopiles, eulachans, eulachons, eulogised, eulogises, eulogists, eulogiums, eulogized, eulogizer, eulogizes, falchions, falciform, falconers, falconets, falconine, falderals, falderols, faldstool, fallacies, fallalery, fallaways, fallbacks, fallowing, falsehood, falseness, falsettos, falsework, falsified, falsifier, falsifies, falsities, faltboats, falterers, faltering, feldshers, feldspars, felicific, fellaheen, fellating, fellation, fellatios, fellators, fellowing, fellowman, fellowmen, felonious, felonries, felstones, filagreed, filagrees, filaments, filariids, filatures, filiating, filiation, filicides, filigreed, filigrees, filisters, filleting, filliping, filmcards, filmgoers, filminess, filmlands, filmmaker, filmstrip, filterers, filtering, filthiest, filtrable, filtrated, filtrates, foldboats, folderols, foliating, foliation, folklives, folklores, folkloric, folkmoots, folkmotes, folksiest, folktales, follicles, followers, following, fulfilled, fulfiller, fulgently, fulgurant, fulgurate, fulgurite, fulgurous, fullbacks, fullerene, fulleries, fullering, fullfaces, fulminant, fulminate, fulmining, fulnesses, fulsomely, galabiehs, galabiyas, galactose, galangals, galantine, galavants, galbanums, galenical, galenites, galingale, galivants, gallamine, gallanted, gallantly, gallantry, gallerias, galleried, galleries, galleting, gallflies, galliards, gallicism, gallicize, gallingly, gallinule, gallipots, gallivant, gallonage, gallopade, gallopers, galloping, gallowses, gallstone, galopades, galumphed, galvanise, galvanism, galvanize, gelatines, gelations, gelignite, gelsemium, gildhalls, giltheads, golcondas, goldbrick, goldenest, goldeneye, goldenrod, goldfield, goldfinch, goldsmith, goldstone, golgothas, goliardic, golliwogg, golliwogs, gollywogs, gulfweeds, halakists, halations, halazones, halfbacks, halfbeaks, halflives, halfpence, halfpenny, halftimes, halftones, halidomes, halitoses, halitosis, halituses, halliards, hallmarks, halloaing, hallooing, hallowers, hallowing, halocline, halogeton, halophile, halophyte, halothane, haltering, haltingly, helically, helicoids, helicopts, helilifts, heliostat, heliozoan, heliports, helistops, hellboxes, hellbroth, hellebore, hellenize, helleries, hellfires, hellholes, hellhound, hellishly, hellkites, helmeting, helminths, helotages, helotisms, helotries, helpfully, helpmates, helpmeets, hilarious, hillbilly, hillcrest, hilloaing, hillsides, holandric, holdbacks, holdfasts, holdovers, holidayed, holidayer, hollering, holloaing, hollooing, holloware, hollowest, hollowing, hollyhock, holocaust, holocrine, holograms, holograph, holotypes, holotypic, holsteins, holystone, holytides, hulloaing, hylozoism, hylozoist, illations, illatives, illegally, illegible, illegibly, illiberal, illicitly, illiniums, illnesses, illogical, illumined, illumines, illusions, illuviums, inlanders, inletting, islanders, islanding, jalapenos, jaloppies, jalousies, jellified, jellifies, jellyfish, jellylike, jelutongs, jollified, jollifies, jollities, julienned, juliennes, kalanchoe, kalewives, kaleyards, kalifates, kallidins, kalyptras, kilderkin, killdeers, killifish, killingly, kilobases, kilobauds, kilobytes, kilocycle, kilogauss, kilograms, kilohertz, kilojoule, kiloliter, kilometer, kilomoles, kilovolts, kilowatts, kolbassis, kolkhoses, kolkhozes, lallygags, lilangeni, lilliputs, liltingly, lollipops, lolloping, lollygags, lollypops, lullabied, lullabies, malachite, maladroit, malaguena, malamutes, malaperts, malaprops, malarious, malarkeys, malarkies, malaromas, malathion, maledicts, malemiuts, malemutes, malformed, malicious, malignant, maligners, maligning, malignity, malihinis, malingers, malleable, malleolus, maltreats, maltsters, malvasias, melamines, melanisms, melanists, melanites, melanitic, melanized, melanizes, melanoids, melanomas, melanotic, melatonin, melilites, melinites, meliorate, meliorism, meliorist, melismata, mellotron, mellowest, mellowing, melodeons, melodicas, melodious, melodised, melodises, melodists, melodized, melodizer, melodizes, melodrama, melphalan, meltdowns, meltingly, meltwater, mildening, mildewing, mileposts, milesimos, milestone, miliarial, miliarias, militance, militancy, militants, militaria, militated, militates, milkiness, milkmaids, milksheds, milkweeds, milkwoods, milkworts, millcakes, millenary, millennia, millepeds, millerite, milliards, milliares, millibars, milliemes, milligals, milligram, millimhos, millimole, milliners, millinery, milliohms, millionth, millipede, millipeds, millirems, millivolt, milliwatt, millponds, millraces, millstone, millworks, moldboard, moldering, moldiness, moldwarps, molecular, molecules, molehills, moleskins, molesters, molesting, mollified, mollifies, molluscan, molluskan, molybdate, mulattoes, muleteers, mullahism, mulligans, mullioned, multiatom, multiband, multibank, multicell, multicity, multicopy, multidrug, multifold, multiform, multigerm, multigrid, multihued, multihull, multilane, multiline, multimode, multipage, multipart, multipath, multipeds, multipion, multiples, multiplet, multiplex, multipole, multiroom, multisite, multisize, multistep, multitone, multitude, multiunit, multiuser, multiwall, multiyear, mylonites, naloxones, nilpotent, nullified, nullifier, nullifies, nullities, oblations, obligated, obligates, obligatos, obliquely, obliquing, obliquity, oblivions, oblivious, obloquies, oilcloths, oilpapers, oilstones, onlookers, onlooking, oolachans, oologists, palaestra, palanquin, palatable, palatably, palatally, palatines, palavered, palefaces, paleosols, palestrae, palestras, palinodes, palisaded, palisades, palladium, palladous, palletise, palletize, pallettes, palliasse, palliated, palliates, palliator, palmately, palmation, palmettes, palmettos, palmistry, palmitate, palmitins, palominos, paloverde, palpating, palpation, palpators, palpebrae, palpebral, palpitant, palpitate, palsgrave, palterers, paltering, paltriest, paludisms, pelecypod, pelerines, pellagras, pellagrin, pelleting, pelletise, pelletize, pellicles, pellitory, pellmells, peloruses, peltering, phlebitis, phlegmier, pilasters, pilchards, pileworts, pilferage, pilferers, pilfering, pilgarlic, pillagers, pillaging, pillaring, pillboxes, pilloried, pillories, pillowing, pilotages, pilotings, pilotless, pilseners, polarised, polarises, polarized, polarizes, poleaxing, polemical, polemists, polemized, polemizes, polestars, policeman, policemen, polishers, polishing, politburo, politesse, political, politicks, politicos, pollarded, pollening, pollinate, pollinium, polliwogs, pollsters, pollutant, polluters, polluting, pollution, pollutive, pollywogs, polonaise, poloniums, poltroons, polyamide, polyamine, polyandry, polyantha, polyanthi, polybrids, polyester, polygalas, polygamic, polygenes, polygenic, polyglots, polygonal, polygonum, polygraph, polyhedra, polymaths, polymathy, polymeric, polymorph, polymyxin, polyphagy, polyphase, polyphone, polyphony, polypides, polyploid, polypneas, polypores, polyptych, polypuses, polysomes, polythene, polytonal, polytypes, polytypic, polyurias, polyvinyl, polywater, polyzoans, pulicides, pullbacks, pullovers, pullulate, pulmonary, pulmonate, pulmotors, pulpiness, pulpwoods, pulsatile, pulsating, pulsation, pulsators, pulsejets, pulsojets, pulverise, pulverize, pulvillus, pyloruses, rallyings, rallyists, relabeled, relacquer, relapsers, relapsing, relatable, relatedly, relations, relatives, relaxants, relaxedly, relearned, releasers, releasing, relegated, relegates, relending, relenting, reletters, reletting, relevance, relevancy, reliables, reliances, reliantly, relicense, reliction, relievers, relieving, relighted, religions, religiose, religious, relinking, reliquary, reliquefy, reliquiae, relishing, relisting, reloaders, reloading, reloaning, relocated, relocatee, relocates, relocking, relooking, reluctant, reluctate, relucting, relumined, relumines, rillettes, rolamites, rollbacks, rollicked, rollovers, rulership, salaaming, salacious, saladangs, salariats, salarying, salaryman, salarymen, saleratus, salerooms, salesgirl, saleslady, salesroom, salicines, saliences, saliently, salifying, salinized, salinizes, salivated, salivates, salivator, sallowest, sallowing, sallowish, salmonids, salmonoid, salometer, salpinges, salsifies, salsillas, saltation, saltatory, saltboxes, saltiness, saltpeter, saltwater, saltworks, saltworts, salubrity, salvagees, salvagers, salvaging, salvarsan, salvation, sclaffers, sclaffing, sclereids, sclerites, sclerosed, scleroses, sclerosis, sclerotia, sclerotic, sclerotin, selachian, seladangs, selamliks, selectees, selecting, selection, selective, selectman, selectmen, selectors, selenates, selenides, selenites, seleniums, selfheals, selfhoods, selfishly, selvedged, selvedges, shlemiehl, shlemiels, shlepping, shlumping, silencers, silencing, silentest, silicates, siliceous, silicides, silicious, siliciums, silicones, silicoses, silicosis, silicotic, siliculae, silkaline, silkiness, silkoline, silkweeds, silkworms, sillabubs, sillibubs, silliness, siloxanes, siltation, siltstone, siluroids, silverers, silvering, sklenting, solanders, solanines, solarised, solarises, solarisms, solariums, solarized, solarizes, solations, solderers, soldering, soldiered, soldierly, solecised, solecises, solecisms, solecists, solecized, solecizes, solemnest, solemnify, solemnity, solemnize, solenoids, soleplate, solfatara, solfeggio, solicited, solicitor, solidagos, solidness, soliloquy, solipsism, solipsist, soliquids, solitaire, solitudes, sollerets, solonchak, solstices, solutions, solvating, solvation, solvently, splashers, splashier, splashily, splashing, splatters, splatting, splayfeet, splayfoot, spleenful, spleenier, splendent, splendors, splendour, splenetic, spleuchan, splinters, splintery, splinting, splitters, splitting, splodging, sploshing, splotched, splotches, splurgers, splurgier, splurging, splutters, spluttery, sulfatase, sulfating, sulfinyls, sulfonate, sulfonium, sulfonyls, sulfoxide, sulfurets, sulfuring, sulfurize, sulfurous, sulfuryls, sulkiness, sullenest, sulphated, sulphates, sulphides, sulphites, sulphones, sulphured, sultanate, sultaness, sultriest, syllabary, syllabics, syllabify, syllabled, syllables, syllabubs, syllepses, syllepsis, sylleptic, syllogism, syllogist, syllogize, sylphlike, sylvanite, talapoins, talismans, talkathon, talkative, talkiness, tallaging, tallaisim, tallithes, tallithim, tallitoth, tallowing, tallyhoed, talmudism, telamones, telecasts, telefilms, telegenic, telegrams, telegraph, telemarks, telemeter, telemetry, teleology, teleonomy, telepaths, telepathy, telephone, telephony, telephoto, teleplays, teleports, telescope, telestics, teletexts, telethons, televiews, televised, televises, telfering, telically, tellingly, telltales, telluride, tellurium, telomeres, telophase, telotaxes, telotaxis, telphered, tilburies, tillering, tillerman, tillermen, tiltmeter, tiltyards, tolbooths, tolerable, tolerably, tolerance, tolerated, tolerates, tolerator, tolidines, tollbooth, tollgates, tollhouse, toluidine, toluidins, tularemia, tularemic, tulipwood, tullibees, uglifiers, uglifying, umlauting, unlabeled, unlashing, unlatched, unlatches, unleading, unlearned, unleashed, unleashes, unleveled, unlikable, unlimbers, unlimited, unlinking, unlivable, unloaders, unloading, unlocking, unloosens, unloosing, unlovable, unluckier, unluckily, unlyrical, uplanders, upleaping, uplifters, uplifting, uplighted, uploading, valancing, valencias, valencies, valentine, valerates, valerians, valiances, valiantly, validated, validates, valkyries, vallecula, valorised, valorises, valorized, valorizes, valuables, valuating, valuation, valuators, valueless, valveless, valvelets, velarized, velarizes, velodrome, velverets, velveteen, vilifiers, vilifying, vilipends, villadoms, villagers, villagery, villenage, villiform, villosity, volatiles, volcanics, volcanism, volcanoes, volitions, volkslied, volleyers, volleying, volplaned, volplanes, voltaisms, voltmeter, volumeter, voluntary, volunteer, volutions, vulcanian, vulcanise, vulcanism, vulcanize, vulgarest, vulgarian, vulgarise, vulgarism, vulgarity, vulgarize, vulnerary, vulturine, vulturish, vulturous, walkabout, walkathon, walkaways, walkovers, walkyries, wallabies, wallaroos, wallboard, wallopers, walloping, wallowers, wallowing, wallpaper, welcomely, welcomers, welcoming, weldments, welfarism, welfarist, welladays, wellaways, wellcurbs, welldoers, wellheads, wellholes, wellsites, weltering, wildering, wildfires, wildfowls, wildlands, wildlings, wildwoods, willemite, willfully, willinger, willingly, williwaus, williwaws, willowers, willowier, willowing, willpower, willywaws, wolfberry, wolfhound, wolfishly, wolfsbane, wolverine, wulfenite, wyliecoat, xylidines, xylocarps, xylograph, xylophone, yellowest, yellowfin, yellowing, yellowish, yuletides, zillionth1640 words

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What does salacious mean?

Sex Me Up 2 is a very salacious video game.

How can you use salacious in a sentence?

The tabloid published a salacious story about the celebrity's personal life.

What is the creature in Jabba's belly button?

If you're referring to the monkey lizard thing, then that would be Salacious B. Crumb. Salacious B. Crumb is a Kowakian monkey-lizard who serves Jabba in the equivalent of what a court jester would be to a king. He keeps Jabba happy to keep others alive, and mostly to keep himself from getting eaten. You see, Jabba originally found Salacious in one of his ships. Salacious was eating from one of Jabba's food bowls. So when Jabba attempted to digest Salacious, Salacious let out his signature laugh that you here in ROTJ. Jabba liked the laugh so much, that he decided to keep him.

How do you make a sentence with disgrace?

If the salacious information goes public, it will disgrace the entire family.

What movie and television projects has Deric Bernier been in?

Deric Bernier has: Played Hammerspike in "Zombie Rampage" in 1989. Played Salacious Thatch in "Bimbos B.C." in 1990. Played Salacious Thatch in "Prehistoric Bimbos in Armageddon City" in 1991. Played Shlooby in "Nightmare Asylum" in 1992. Played Count Enoch in "Dominion" in 1992. Performed in "Goblin" in 1993. Played Salacious Thatch in "Bimbos in Time" in 1993.

What is a lap lizard?

A calm, docile, friendly, sweet, reserved, affectionate, calm, cool, salacious lizard.

Who is Salacious Crumb?

Salacious Crumb is a fictional character in Star Wars. He is a small alien that has long ears with lynx-like tufts of fur at the ends, a fur covered beak, and an extremely annoying laugh. He is the counter-part of Jabba the Hutt, and is supposed to be killed when Jabba's ship is destroyed.

What is the difference between 'salacious' and 'lascivious'?

Often the way to differentiate between words commonly used as synonyms is to examine the root meanings. Here it is a matter of active/passive. Salacious ( "frisky") basically means expressing sexual interest, while lascivious ("wanton, lustful") means inviting sexual interest.

How do you spell cellcious?

The metric (centigrade) temperature scale is "Celsius".Less likely is "salacious" (lustful).

What are some examples of salacious furniture designs that have gained popularity in recent years?

Some examples of salacious furniture designs that have gained popularity in recent years include provocative-shaped chairs, beds with suggestive designs, and tables with risqu imagery. These designs often push boundaries and spark conversations about the intersection of art and sensuality in furniture.

How do you spell a word that starts with the letters 'sal'?

There are many words that start with "sal", including salacious sale saliva salmon salsa salt salvation

Is there a movie in the 80's where a woman is ravished while unconscious?

Statistically, this is true in all probability, since this kind of salacious scene would tend to sell tickets.