Some words that begin and end with the same letter include "civic," "level," "radar," and "rever." These words are known as palindromes, which are words or phrases that read the same forwards and backwards. Palindromes are a fun linguistic phenomenon that can be found in various languages.
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Absentia, abulia, academia, aereola, algebra, ammonia, amnesia, amoeba, Ana, anathema, anemia, anesthesia, animalia, anorexia, Antarctica, aphasia, apologia, appaloosa, aqua, Arabia, arcadia, area, aria, aroma, arugula, Asia, Atlanta, bathtub, barb, bib, blob, blurb, bob, bomb, boob, bulb, calisthenic, caloric, calorific, cardiac, catastrophic, catatonic, caustic, chaotic, chic, chronic, chthonic, cleric, clinic, colic, colonic, comic, copacetic, dad, dastard, dead, deadwood, decoded, deed, defamed, defeated, defend, deflated, delayed, deleted, deluded, demand, demoted, deplaned, depleted, deranged, detained, devoted, dilated, dogged, dread, dud, duplicated, dyed, ease, eagle, ease, educate, eerie, effulgence, eke, elephantine, elevate, elite, elope, elucidate, elude, emancipate, encourage, enervate, entendre, enterprise, entice, enumerate, enunciate, envelope, enzyme, epicure, epigone, epilogue, epistle, equable, eradicate, erudite, escapade, escape, estate, estimable, estimate, evade, evanesce/evanescence, evase, evermore, everyone, evidence, evince, eviscerate, evocative, evoke, evolve, ewe, exercise, exacerbate, excrescence, exculpate, execrable, executive, expatriate, expectorate, expiate, expose, expurgate, extirpate, extricate, fief, fluff, foodstuff, gag, gang, gig, ginseng, gloaming, going, gong, gulag, haberdash, harsh, hash, hath, hashish, health, high, hitch, hooch, hookah, hunch, hush, hutch, kayak, kick, kink, kiosk, knock, kook, lackadaisical, lacteal, laical, lapel, larval, laurel, legal, lentil, lethal, libel, liberal, literal, littoral, local, logical, loll, lull, lustful, luteal, lyrical, madam, magnum, maxim, maximum, medium, miasm, microcosm, millennium, minimum, modem, mom, nation, neon, neutron, nocturn, nonagenarian, noon, notion, noun, nun, nylon, oregano, Oreo, pimp, plop, plump, polyp, pomp, poop, pop, prep, primp, prop, pulp, pup, raconteur, radar, rapier, rapper, razor, reader, realer, Realtor, reaper, rear, reindeer, remainder, reminder, reservoir, retainer, rider, riser, river, roadrunner, roar, romper, roofer, roper, router, ruler, rumor, runner, sadness, sagacious, salacious, sass, sassafras, seamless, seamstress, sedulous, sebaceous, selfless, serious, sideways, slippers, softness, solicitous, sorceress, soulless, specious, stasis, statistics, stiffness, stress, sumptuous, supercilious, superfluous, superstitious, suppositious, surreptitious, susurrus, Swiss, synthesis, talent, tantamount, tarot, tart, taunt, teat, technologist, tempt, tenet, tent, terrorist, therapist, thermostat, tilt, tint, tit, toast, toilet, toot, torrent, tot, tort, tourist, tournament, tourniquet, tout, traitor, treat, trenchant, trident, trinket, truculent, Trumpet, tryst, typist, twit, wallow, whew, widow, willow, window, wow, xerox, yearly, yesterday.
Answer Alaska, Alabama, Australia, Arizona,
words that begin and end with the same letter:
New words - trust, render
Pump, Sums
11 letter words that begin and end with the same letter:charismaticdisappeareddiscrediteddistributedgalvanizinggerminatingseriousnesstranslucenttransparent
Some words that begin and end with the same letter and contain CA are:abracadabraacaciaacademiaalpacabicarbcarcinogenicdecaffeinateddecanteddecapoddecayeddedicateddefecateddesiccateddiscarddislocatedduplicatededucateencapsulateencaseequivocateeradicateescalateescapadeescapeescaroleevocativeexcavateexcommunicateexplicateextricatelackadaisicalliturgicallocallogicallogisticallyricalmacadamminicamnotificationnullificationscabiesscalesscallopstelecasttomcattoxicanttypecast
Some 5 letter words that begin with T:tabbytabletabletackytaffytainttakentalontapirtardytarrytastetaunttawnyteachteenyteethtempotenortensetepeetepidtersethanktheftthemetherethesethickthiefthinethingthinkthirdthongthornthreethrewthrobthrowthumbtidaltigertighttinkletitletoasttokentongstoothtopictorchtotaltouchtoughtracetracktradetrailtraintraittramptrashtreattrialtribetricktriketrouttrucktrunktrusttruthtuliptumortwist
Here are some positive words that begin with the letter E:EagerEasygoingEducatedEfficientElegantEloquentEnabledEnchantingEncouragingEnergeticEnlightenedEntertainingEnthusiasticEthicalExcitedExcitingExperiencedExpert
Incompetent and ignorant are mean words. They begin with the letter i.