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Redstone makes the potion last longer when you drink it.

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Q: What does redstone dust do to potions in Minecraft?
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Related questions

How do you make potions last longer in minecraft?

To make potions last longer, you add redstone to them.

How do you make redstone dust in minecraft?

You have to mine redstone ore.

What color is the dust that transfers in Minecraft?

This "dust that transfers" energy in Minecraft is called Redstone Dust. It is a red colored dust which can be used to build circuits that transfer redstone signals.

What color is the dust in minecraft that transfers signals?

redstone dust

Why can't i make a redstone block on minecraft?

Redstone Blocks now exist in Minecraft 1.5. You can make them by combining nine redstone dust on the crafting table.

What color is the dust in Minecraft that transfers singal?

Redstone dust. It's red.

How do you make a redstone torch on Minecraft?

To make a redstone torch, you must have one redstone dust and one stick. You put the stick on the bottom and the redstone dust above the stick. It's the same recipe as a torch, only with redstone dust instead of coal.

What is the color of dust that tranfers signals minecraft?

red, redstone dust is used for electric signals.

Can you create a long drop trap in minecraft pocket edition?

OF COURSE NOT! Redstone dust, redstone torch, pistons, and sticky pistons don't exist in minecraft!

What does the compartor do in Minecraft?

A comparator compares two signal strengths and outputs the difference. In Minecraft redstone signals work from a 15 block length: When you place a torch with some redstone dust next to it, this redstone dust is 15, if you place redstone dust next to this redstone dust- the new dust is 14 etc. Once the signal equals 0 you cannot use the signal anymore. If you place a comparator between two redstone lines (with one line in the back (flat end of the arrow on the top of the comparator) and one/two lines in the side, then any dust out of the front (pointed arrow) will be the remainder.

What color is the dust that transfers signals?

The color of the dust that transfers signals in Minecraft is red. It is appropriately named redstone.

Can you use redstone dust on minecraft creative mode xbox 360 edition?

Yes you can!