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To make a redstone torch, you must have one redstone dust and one stick. You put the stick on the bottom and the redstone dust above the stick. It's the same recipe as a torch, only with redstone dust instead of coal.

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Q: How do you make a redstone torch on Minecraft?
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You get redstone dust and place it on the ground or a block. You can't put redstone wire on walls or roofs.

Can you create a long drop trap in minecraft pocket edition?

OF COURSE NOT! Redstone dust, redstone torch, pistons, and sticky pistons don't exist in minecraft!

How do you invert a current on minecraft?

A redstone inverter (or NOT gate) in Minecraft is simply a redstone torch attached to a solid block. When this block receives power, the torch turns off and stops sending power to adjacent blocks.Note that this system incurs a delay of 0.1 second, and if you cycle it too fast the redstone torch can burn out.

How do you make a redstone repeater in Minecraft?

You need 3 stone, 1 redstone, and 2 red stone torches: ~to make the stone, smelt cobblestone in your furnace ~to find the redstone, go mining and find a block with red spots, you can harvest 4 from one rock ~to make the redstone torch, put redstone on top of sticks R- redstone S- stone T- torch _- air _ _ _ T R T S S S hope this helped! :)

How do you make a table out of a pistol on minecraft?

im guessing you ment piston, if so, put the piston in the ground, and under it, place a redstone torch.

How do you make redstone dust in minecraft?

You have to mine redstone ore.

Why can't i make a redstone block on minecraft?

Redstone Blocks now exist in Minecraft 1.5. You can make them by combining nine redstone dust on the crafting table.

How do you create light in Minecraft?

By creating a torch, by putting sticks under a lump of coal, occupying in total 2 boxes on a workbench or when you press "e" on your keyboard. or a redstone torch same as before but with redstone instead of coal.

How do you turn on redstone lamps in minecraft?

They need to be supplied with a charge. You can light them by placing a redstone torch on an adjacent block, or you could link them with redstone dust to a lever, the level will provide a charge when 'on' and light the lamp.

How do you make a powered rail work on minecraft?

In order for a powered rail to work, you need a redstone torch placed right next to it. This torch will power 16 rails in each direction. Keep this in mind while placing them.

Can you use redstone to make an elevator in minecraft?
