In order for a powered rail to work, you need a redstone torch placed right next to it. This torch will power 16 rails in each direction. Keep this in mind while placing them.
you need to be in multi-player or a server to make the TNT work.
Sometime you have to press fn to make it work.
The mod developer will need to update the mod to be compatible with the new Minecraft version.
Beds were not introduced into Minecraft until Beta 1.3, so no.
Minecraft 1.4.6 mods will work with 1.4.7 sense they are both a 1.4.
6 gold ingots 1 redstone
Yes, but only if the tablet is Android powered and you could only use pocket edition.
You need Java.
trees they make oxygen
you need to be in multi-player or a server to make the TNT work.
no not unless its solarded powered
Sometime you have to press fn to make it work.
Make sure you port forwarded it correctly.
You use a powered rail instead of a regular one, and power it with redstone. This gives your minecart a boost. When you craft a powered rail, it's like crafting a regular rail, except you use gold instead of iron and put redstone below the stick. Crafting this way gives you 6 powered rails. Note: Do not use all your powered rails at once, spread them out.
The mod developer will need to update the mod to be compatible with the new Minecraft version.
Unless you work for Mojang, I don't think you can make an update. But, what you could make is a Mod.
First Make sure you closed minecraft COMPLETELY then install the skin (re install) It should work correctly if not you don't have a premium account