Rarely is an adverb to describe the verb as occurring not very often or seldom.
If you see a four-leaf clover in the shop, it means you've found a rare item. Make sure to snap them up as they only appear every so often! Each rare item has a little clover telling you how rare it is - bronze means rare, silver means very rare and gold ones are super rare. If you manage to get a super rare item, remember to show it off in your room!
It is scarce.
Shiny Silver writing means that the card is a normal rare. Normal rare is the first level of rarity above a common.
He is rare but not a legendary because legendary means that there is only one of its kind.
it means that rare Pokemon are in that area. these Pokemon cannot be caught anywhere else in the unova region.
you look at the bottom right corner and if it has a circle its common, if it has a dimond its 50 rare and 50 not. if it has a black star its rare, silver star rare RARE, and gold star RARE RARE RARE! also if they are a lv ex thy are rare
No, not in any way. Rare means "not common". Weird means "unusual", "strange" or "out of the ordinary".
If you see a four-leaf clover in the shop, it means you've found a rare item. Make sure to snap them up as they only appear every so often! Each rare item has a little clover telling you how rare it is - bronze means rare, silver means very rare and gold ones are super rare. If you manage to get a super rare item, remember to show it off in your room!
it means the animals here are rich and rare
You can buy them or try to find codes. If you see a four-leaf clover in the shop, it means you've found a rare item. Make sure to snap them up as they only appear every so often! Each rare item has a little clover telling you how rare it is - bronze means rare, silver means very rare and gold ones are ultra rare. If you manage to get an ultra rare item, remember to show it off in your room!
Means somthing that you can find it dificalty
it means to be smart
it means rare
If a class is rare, it means that it can no longer be bought as it is no longer available.
You can't get it, its rare. Rare in battleon games means no longer avaliable.
Rare means it is no longer available, so you can no longer get it.