it means that rare Pokemon are in that area. these Pokemon cannot be caught anywhere else in the unova region.
A mass outbreak in Pokemon Black and White is when a certain species of Pokemon becomes available temporarily that would not normally be there. Most of these are for the older Pokemon, and only after the National Pokedex is received.
When the electric boards say there is an outbreak of Pokemon in route 10 that is where you can get one
The 'mass outbreak' is a swarm of Pokemon that you would not normally find anywhere else, and are at extremely high frequency rates. You can listen to Professor Oak's talk show for what the mass outbreak of Pokemon is and on what route it is on.
if by 'swarm' you mean a mass outbreak, then turn on your pokegear to the radio and go to the prof. oak and Mary's talk show. here they wil mention breaking news of an outbreak of a random hard to find Pokemon. the Pokemon will be random and be different every day.
Every day there is a different spot the outbreak happens. If you do not like the outbreak restart the game.
you either poke transfer, or there is a pokemon outbreak.
A mass outbreak in Pokemon Black and White is when a certain species of Pokemon becomes available temporarily that would not normally be there. Most of these are for the older Pokemon, and only after the National Pokedex is received.
its basicly Pokemon that aren't uasily catchable ,that you can catch in other routes. For example today my Pokemon outbreak was in rout 9.
Electivire might be able to be found in the pokemon outbreak areas.
When the electric boards say there is an outbreak of Pokemon in route 10 that is where you can get one
A Mass Outbreak of pokemon i think... I haven't played in a while
A Pokemon outbreak is when a Pokemon from another game can be found in a certain location for one day only. The location of the outbreak changes daily.
Shellos cannot be found in Pokemon Black or White. You can only obtain Shellos through PokeTransfer or the Pokemon Dream World.
its an outbreak of pokeemon from other regions
rare Pokemon