When you aim down the sight of a Sniper Rifle for less than a second.
Sometimes you can quickscope while bringing your gun up without looking down the sight at all.
Quick scoping is quite easy to train once you get the hang on it. Start by aiming down a normal scope and stick a very small piace of bluetack to the center of the crosshair, this will act as ur training wheels. Now when ur running around and you find someone you want to try and quickscope. Aim at them with the bluetack and hold down L3 to hold ur breath (default) when you have ur target ready quickly begin to aim into your scope and as soon as ur in ur scope shoot and come back out of your scope. If your bluetack was on aim it should of killed the guy. Make sure you learn when to shoot and keep doing this until you get the hang of it and soon you'll be able to quick scope someone in any situation. P.s Slight of hand pro makes it a faster process, but if your really struggleing then take it off for now. Hope this helped :) -- i_Mw2_i
a hard scope is a scope of more than two seconds long before killing somebody
Go-to "packages\misc\scope.png" and replace it with a different scope, to edit your scope I use Gimp.
Quick scope
By using seight of hand pro to scope faster.
scope of practice mean
I play Modern Warfare on Xbox 360. I quick scope on sensitivity level 8. It may be different for you.
You can not quick scope in Black Ops as quick as you could in Modern Warfare 2, but it is still possible. Try no-scoping. In my opinion, it's more enjoyable.
yes! Its back just like it was in MW2.
No, it is not. Quick scoping is when your looking through your scope until the crosshairs on your sniper pops up, then fire, easy. Killcams glitch, it doesn't look like you let the crosshairs pop up, which made it look like its a hack.
It all depends on how you play. If you hard scope, it is probably the Barrett 50 cal, however if you quick scope and drag scope it is the Intervention. if u do both its the WA2000 but its kinda nooby...