takes away your weapons and everything else but keeps titles emblems and give you a new title and emblem
The only benefits of prestiging is getting a new symbol and having the thrill of going from level 1 to level 70 again.
50. There is not Prestiging.
Killing 100 enemies with a silenced weapon after Prestiging.
if you mean by level,without prestiging it's level 70.But,the OVERALL top level is 10th prestige level 70. . . hoped i helped!
Prestiging will not affect any weapons damage in CoD, the only way to do more damage with weapons is to use the Perk 2 'Stopping Power'. Also using Silencers reduces damage at range. The weapon attachment 'FMJ' increases weapon damage when penetrating surfaces ie. shooting someone trough a wall. The only benefits from prestiging are: 1) New Icons 2) New challenges and hence, more titles and emblems 3) more 'custom class' slots, you start with 5 and gain a new slot every other prestige, up to a maximum of 10 slots at 9th prestige. You unlock extra custom class slots at prestiges 1,3,5,7,9
keep prestiging
Weapon skins, and a patch
You don't really get anything out of prestiging 10 times besides more titles, emblems, and prestige challenges. Just like the rest of the prestiging levels.
The only benefits of prestiging is getting a new symbol and having the thrill of going from level 1 to level 70 again.
De-prestiging as seen on: www.c0deReality.com
It depends if you want to get new challenges or play for a reason. Sure, I have seen people stay at level 50. But I think prestiging is a good reason to keep playing and gain respect.
yes but you can only get 1 for black ops no matter how much times you prestige in black ops and you also get 1 for prestiging in mw2 and 1 for world at war
No you can not. The only way you can complete prestige challenges is by prestiging.
yes you can
All glitches for prestiging were patched.
50. There is not Prestiging.
no that's a load of Bull