The only benefits of prestiging is getting a new symbol and having the thrill of going from level 1 to level 70 again.
Killing 100 enemies with a silenced weapon after Prestiging.
No he doesn't do a voice in Modern Warfare 2.
There are no golden weapons in Modern Warfare 2.
mw2 platinum is platinum
The Call of Duty Reflex Edition was the first Modern Warfare game for the Nintendo Wii and is not a Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 although it was released at that time
Killing 100 enemies with a silenced weapon after Prestiging.
From prestiging in modern warfare 2 u get an extra custom class and new emblems and titles.
Unless that's all you play and you don't play online, then sure. Go for it.
No, all your guns are reset to the same as you were when you were level 1. The only thing you unlock when prestiging is emblems and titles.
75 Actually its 70. And if i were you i would seriously think about prestiging. There really wasnt a point to do it in Call of Duty 4. But in Modern Warefare 2 you get rewards for prestiging. Like every other time you prestige you get an extra slot for your custom classes. Plus just think all the fun you had working to get to a lvl 70. You get to experience this 10 times.
Modern warfare reflex and modern warfare are the same. Modern warfare "reflex" means that its for wii. If its just modern warfare its for the other consoles
Modern warfare 2
modern warfare 2 is better .
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
modern warfare 2
Modern Warfare 2