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Pretty self explanatory. You have reached your offline credit limit and must sign in to Xbox Live to receive your extra credits. You should be okay.

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Q: What does offline credit limit reached mean on Halo Reach?
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Over 7 years debt do you pay it?

If it has reached your states SOL for legal recourse I would walk away, also it can't report to your credit file because it has reached SOL time limit for reporting.

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A cash advance limit is the maximum amount of cash you can withdraw from your credit card, typically lower than the credit limit. The credit limit is the total amount you can spend on purchases using the card.

What is the difference between a credit limit and a cash advance limit on a credit card?

A credit limit is the maximum amount you can spend on your credit card for purchases, while a cash advance limit is the maximum amount you can withdraw as cash from your credit card.

What is credit limit in credit card?

Credit cards are open ended accounts. The issuing bank has a limit as to how much can be borrowed against the account. The top amount is the credit limit.

What is the limit on a HBC credit card?

The limit for an HBC credit card is communicated to the purchaser of a new Hudson Bay Company credit card directly. This is the only way that one can determine the cash limit and credit limit on an HBC credit card.