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Metal Coat has a 2 main uses. One, it can be given to a Pokemon to enhance the power of Steel type moves. Note: This does not mean it makes the Pokemon holding it more powerful, only makes makes the moves more powerful.

Reason two is that very few Pokemon can evolve by Metal coat, such as Scyther who evolves into Scizor and Onix who evolves into Steelix. In order to make Scyther or Onix evolve first you must make them hold a Metal Coat. You then must trade either Scyther or Onix to another GameBoy WHILE they're are holding Metal Coat, and then they will evolve. Note: Metal Coat can only be obtained on the SS ship below Olivine City. But to access the ship you must first beat the Elite Four. But there is another way to obtain Metal Coat is to get them from a wild Magnemite west of Ecruteak City or north of Olivine City. Note: Getting a Metal Coat off a wild Magnemite is extremely rare seeing how it only has about 1.5% of finding one with Metal Coat attached. But also don't give up because it even took me 4 and a half hours to find one with Metal Coat. I also caught 289 of them till I found it, so don't give up!

Hope this helped!

P.S This is for G/S/C. I'm not sure where to get it in the other ones.

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The Metal Coat can be found on Iron Island.

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When held by a Pokémon, the Metal Coat boots the power of Steel-type moves.

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I have that game and I got my metal coat from a fighting Pokemon holding one

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In Pokemon Liquid Crystal, you can obtain a Metal Coat by talking to the man inside the Pokemon center in Olivine City. He will give it to you as a gift.

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You have to trade it while holding a metal coat.

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sorry, you can not buy a metal coat on fire red. trust me, i tried.