You can't make the metal coat, however, you can obtain it as a drop from a boss pokemon.
Make it hold a Metal Coat and trade it. I recommend you to ask someone to trade Scyther with a Metal Coat to you.
Yes, you can. If the Onix is holding a metal coat, it will not prevent you from trading it, and the recipient will receive a Steelix (because Onix being traded with a metal coat will make it evolve into a Steelix).
A Metal Coat can be found in New Mauville. The Metal Coat is on the right of the machine.
Pixelmon on Mindcraft does not cost a thing. In order to get pixelmon you will have to earn it with points.
the Pokemon that evolve with metal coat are steelix and scisor
You dont, you make the pokemon hold it
Make it hold a Metal Coat and trade it. I recommend you to ask someone to trade Scyther with a Metal Coat to you.
Put Metal Coat on it and then trade it.
Yes, you can. If the Onix is holding a metal coat, it will not prevent you from trading it, and the recipient will receive a Steelix (because Onix being traded with a metal coat will make it evolve into a Steelix).
Keep trading and make sure its holding a metal coat. it might take a few tries.
A Metal Coat can be found in New Mauville. The Metal Coat is on the right of the machine.
what seed is pixelmon
what seed is pixelmon
A metal coat makes an Onix evolve into a Steelix.
first give sycther an metal coat then trade it
you have to make an onyx hold a metal coat and then trade it.
The Metal Coat can be found on Iron Island.