Its broken or you can take it to game stop and they check whats wrong with it
If you mean a game save [under Game > Saved Data Uility on your XMB] then the games that you play will automatically load those for you. If you mean a saved homebrew game, read the readme.txt they usually come with, it will tell you to move all the data to "psp/game" or maybe "psp/game150" ect..
the game has to be game share compatible. you basically got to gameshare on your psp and then your friend loads the game up n his psp.
play the ps3 games in psp they will converted to psp games
You can copy games from one PSP memory stick to computer and then copy to another PSP's memory stick. Make sure you put the game on the folder 'GAME' on the memory stick.
*.cso and *.iso are the formats of the psp games
If you mean a game save [under Game > Saved Data Uility on your XMB] then the games that you play will automatically load those for you. If you mean a saved homebrew game, read the readme.txt they usually come with, it will tell you to move all the data to "psp/game" or maybe "psp/game150" ect..
The PSP Go does not have a UMD reader, you cannot play a UMD game on it.
yes, with a "psp emulator"
the purpose of psp game is that you can experience the game by yourself :)
WWE 12 is not a PSP game and is a PS3 game and can not be played by the PSP
the game has to be game share compatible. you basically got to gameshare on your psp and then your friend loads the game up n his psp.
If its a psp game, it will run on any psp system (providing its not faulty). If its not a psp game, it wont work on the psp.
you have to go to the menu after you have selected your language. it will say new game load game etc. you have to click on multiplayer game and select the online option.
START YOUR PSP......GO TO THE "GAME" ICON...WAIT FOR YOUR GAME TO LOAD ( YOU HAVE TO HAVE A PSP GAME INSERTED) (for example:naruto ultimate ninja heroes)TAP "X" ON THE "GAME SHARING" ICON.........(the other person has to do the same thing) FOR SOME GAMES BOTH OF YOU HAVE TO HAVE THE SAME GAME(but for others like naruto ultimate ninja heroes u dont)
play the ps3 games in psp they will converted to psp games
yes it is. 1. First. you download any GTA game on your PSP. 2. Second. download GTA United to your PC. for Example you have GTA San Andreas on your PSP. 3. PLug in the Psp to your PC go in its folder and copy the download from gta United to your psp system file.... go to your game on the psp and and go to your memory stick to activate it it will load up in about 2 minutes be sure to save the missions or u have to start your game over that's it have fun with Carl Johnson (Cj) in Gta UNited.
It's on the PSN, you access it from the PSP menu.