

Best Answer

Similar to approach but usually refers to vegetation

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Q: What does in Encroach?
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What Starts with e ends with h?

* each * epoch * earth * enough * eighth * eightieth * eighteenth * encroach * establish * eyelash

What are some words that end with ch?

ANSWERfour (4) letter word:arch. bach. each. etch. inch. itch. lech. lich. loch. mach. much. ouch. pech. rich. such. tach. wich. wych. yech. yuch.five (5) letter word:aitch. batch. beach. beech. belch. bench. birch. bitch. botch. brach. bunch. butch. catch. cinch. clach. coach. conch. cooch. couch. culch. curch. cutch. ditch. dunch. dutch. epoch. fetch. filch. finch. fitch. gulch. hatch. heuch. hitch. hooch. hotch. hunch. hutch. kench. ketch. laich. larch. latch. leach. leech. letch. loach. lunch. lurch. lynch. march. match. milch. mooch. mouch. mulch. munch. mutch. natch. notch. orach. parch. patch. peach. perch. pinch. pitch. poach. pooch. porch. pouch. psych. punch. ranch. ratch. reach. retch. roach. rotch. sauch. stich. synch. teach. tench. teuch. torch. touch. vetch. vouch. watch. welch. wench. which. winch. witch. yecch. yucch. zilch. zorch.six (6) letter word:anarch. attach. avouch. blanch. bleach. blench. blotch. borsch. branch. breach. breech. broach. brooch. brunch. caroch. chinch. church. clench. clinch. clutch. cranch. cratch. crotch. crouch. crunch. crutch. cultch. detach. dreich. drench. enrich. eparch. eunuch. exarch. fetich. fleech. flench. fletch. flinch. flitch. flysch. french. glitch. glunch. grinch. grouch. grutch. haunch. hootch. inarch. kirsch. kitsch. klatch. kvetch. launch. mensch. moloch. nautch. painch. paunch. planch. pleach. plench. preach. putsch. quaich. quench. quitch. raunch. samech. scorch. scotch. scutch. search. sheuch. sketch. slatch. slouch. smirch. smooch. smutch. snatch. snitch. speech. stanch. starch. stench. stitch. sumach. swatch. switch. thatch. trench. twitch. wrench. (7) letter word:abroach. beseech. bewitch. biotech. capouch. caroach. carroch. craunch. currach. debauch. debouch. diptych. distich. eldrich. endarch. impeach. isopach. isotach. klatsch. mesarch. monarch. nomarch. nonsuch. ostrich. pibroch. potlach. rematch. repatch. reteach. retouch. scraich. scratch. screech. scrooch. scrunch. spinach. splotch. squelch. squinch. staunch. stomach. stretch. unhitch. unlatch. unteach. upreach. xerarch. zlotych.ANSWERbackstitch. besmirch. dispatch. encroach. insomuch. oligarch. research. topnotch.

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You are starting to encroach onto my space.

How can you use the word encroach in a sentence?

To encroach means to move into another's territory. Here are some sentences.That ivy will encroach on your flower bed if you don't cut it back.I hate it when high rise buildings encroach on a suburb.Don't encroach on my office!A dictatorship of the majority is encroaching on the rights of the individual.In 18th century Britisher did encroach resources in India which left them Dwindling.

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Where suburbs encroach on unspoiled forests or wetlands, delicate ecosystems may be disrupted. The couple's parents promised that they would not be the kind of meddling in-laws who encroach on the privacy of their married children. The rights guaranteed us by the United States Constitution do not permit us to encroach on the rights of others. She was accused of encroaching on the whites-only section, and the bus driver tried to convince her to obey the law. Fragment: fought all attempts to encroach on our freedom

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A sentence for encroach?

subin rocks a d

What is the proper definition of the term encroach?

Encroach is to enter by gradual steps or by stealth into the possessions or rights of another. It can also mean to advance through and beyond the usual or proper limits.

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What is a synonym for encroach?

Synonyms for the word encroach: appropriate, arrogate,entrench, infringe, interfere, interpose, intervene, intrude, squeeze in, stick nose into, trench, trespass, usurp, work in, worm in

What is another word for intrude or encroach?

Intrude, encroach on, impinge on, interfere in, trespass on/upon, infringe on, obtrude on/into, invade, violate, disturb, disrupt, interrupt, meddle in, barge in on, horn in on, muscle in on, poke one's nose into.

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No because it will encroach the privacy law. Were you on websites you shouldn't have been on? lol, just messin with ya.

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People are "indirect" predators of pandas in that they encroach on panda's habitat.

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Do you mean Impinging - if so it means to encroach or infringe or to make an impression or an effect