In most crosswords, a gp in lowercase in a clue means group.
"GP" refers to the game's currency -- "gold", "coins", "money", etc -- GP simply means either gold points or pennies.
Tin - 35 gp Copper - 70 gp Iron - 102 gp Coal - 174 gp Mithril -224 gp Adamantite - 1,039 gp Runite - 15,700 gp
GP- General Purpose
40' gp
Football Gaming Podcast
Did you mean GP or Net Worth?
The abbreviation "gp" stands for games played. A player can have up to 82 games played during a regular season. Next to the "gp" there is a "gs" which stands for games started, which can give you a good sense of who starts on the team.
Do you mean what does it mean, acording to me, There is no GP rating anymore, it is not used anymore, besides it mean General Patronage.
Gold Plated
Games Played.
In most crosswords, a gp in lowercase in a clue means group.
Gold Peak
"GP" refers to the game's currency -- "gold", "coins", "money", etc -- GP simply means either gold points or pennies.
Go and see your GP.
what does GP mean on bank statement
Minutes of Game Play