"GP" refers to the game's currency -- "gold", "coins", "money", etc -- GP simply means either gold points or pennies.
Tin - 35 gp Copper - 70 gp Iron - 102 gp Coal - 174 gp Mithril -224 gp Adamantite - 1,039 gp Runite - 15,700 gp
The max money on runescape is 2.147 bill (2 billion 147 million gp).
Take them to Xena and she will give u Gp for them
1k means 1,000 gp how can you not know.... used the main word k in "1k" kilo is what it means and 1 kilo is 1 thousand.
1m on runescape means 1 million gp (1,000,000)
3 gp
Tin - 35 gp Copper - 70 gp Iron - 102 gp Coal - 174 gp Mithril -224 gp Adamantite - 1,039 gp Runite - 15,700 gp
No. The botting companies in runescape that claim they sell runescape gp, however, do if you buy from them.
You cannot, as this is against both the rules of funorb and runescape.
around 100 gp
Try it.
you can merch, but you will have to be very patient with your items!
The max money on runescape is 2.147 bill (2 billion 147 million gp).
Around 2.3 Billion GP
356 gp
About 346 gp each.