Escape on foot.
Right front leg of the green monster.
Eye, toe, arm, leg, ear, hip, lip, jaw, gum, zit, rib, ???
Escape on foot.
exit leg
Scre yu
A leg
leg godt mean play well.The Lego company was named after the Danish Expression "LEG GODT.
Right front leg of the green monster.
The Old Man from ''A Christmas Story'' won the Leg Lamp by solving a puzzle that stated "What is the name of the Lone Ranger's Nephew's Horse?" and his wife told him the answer: "Victor"
If you mean one leg then; Fondue. If you mean both legs then; Plie
sa = (his/her) jambe = leg sa jambe = his leg / her leg
If you are standing on one leg (with the other leg off the ground), that leg is called your supporting leg because it is supporting you.
its to brush down a horses leg
[The] leg.