Eye, toe, arm, leg, ear, hip, lip, jaw, gum, zit, rib, ???
arm toe ear leg eye
Seven of them are: eye, ear, leg, arm, toe, lip, hip.
Trick or Treat is 12 letters but it's 3 words.
Trisect is a 7-letter word beginning with T. It means to cut into 3 parts.
the arrangements occur. if there are two of the same letter then 12 all different letters then 24 three letters the same then 5 four letters the same then 1
Eye, ear, toe, lip, leg, arm, jaw, rib, hip, gum, gut, jaw.
arm toe ear leg eye
it has 15 or 3 or 12
I think the answer is leg, toe, hip, rib, and gut.
toe, eye, leg, arm, bum, and ear
· arm · ear · eye · hip · jaw · leg · lip · rib · toe
3 parts to the body
ear leg eye arm <LI>lip</LI> <LI>toe</LI> <LI>hip</LI> <LI>toe</LI> <LI>fat</LI> <LI>gum </LI>
3 body parts
Seven of them are: eye, ear, leg, arm, toe, lip, hip.
Gut - the term used for the entire digestive tract.