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Each level will increase the heart damage lost by 1.25 hearts when you hit Spiders, cave spiders, or silverfish.

Use: (all using a diamond sword with Bane or Arthropods V)

Spiders will be killed with 2 hits (one hit dealing 11.5 hearts, the other finishing it off) instead of... 2 hits? (that's right, normal diamond swords hit 8 hearts without enchanting. Spiders have 16 hearts.)

Cave Spiders will be killed with, sadly 2 hits again (11.5 < 12) so no efficiency here.

Silverfish will be killed with 1 hit (silverfish have 8 hearts) and... yeah you see where i'm going with this.

Essentially, if you can build an enchantment table, you can probably build a diamond sword, so this is a useless enchantment for most purposes.

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