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As of yet it has no use,but in 1.0.0 it will be used to make an eye of ender.

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Q: What does an ender pearl do?
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How do you throw a ender pearl in minecraft?

To throw an Ender Pearl, simply put in on the bar on the bottom and, with it in your hand, right click. This will launch the pearl and teleport you where it lands. But be careful! you will take falling damage, depending on how far you throw the pearl. You cannot throw an ender pearl in creative mode.

How do you ender pearl in minecraft?

With the ender pear you can teleport that costs you some hearts and you just need to right click, the eye of ender is used to track down the ender portal that leads to the ender dragon.

How do you throw a ender pearl in Minecraft computer?

Simply right-click(or whatever the right click is configured to) in the direction you wish to toss the ender pearl to toss it. It does not work in Creative mode.

How do you use a ender pearl to teleport in minecraft?

The ender pearl is used to locate fortresses that take you to the end an new world in 1.9.3 . You can get the pre releases on the internet.If you right click the ender pearl it will shoot of into the air you keep firing it until it drops down and does not move any more. Then you have to dig around until you find the portal that takes you to the end. BE WARNED there will be loads of strong mobs in the fortress so come prepared.\WARNING:The above answer is incorrect. It is only applicable for ender eyes. To teleport with an ender pearl, simply right click where you want to go. -2b3o4o

How do you make an ender chest in minecraft?

To make an ender chest, you'll need 8 obsidian and an eye of ender. It is very important that you make sure you have the eye of ender and not the ender pearl, don't be confused by the two! To make an eye of ender, you will need one blaze powder and the ender pearl. Blaze powder is made from one blaze rod (dropped from a blaze). Then, with the 8 obsidian, using the crafting table, you place obsidian in the same manner you would a chest, with all the boxes filled except the middle, the middle is filled with the eye of ender. I have provided the crafting recipe visual in the related links below!

Related questions

How do you throw a ender pearl in minecraft?

To throw an Ender Pearl, simply put in on the bar on the bottom and, with it in your hand, right click. This will launch the pearl and teleport you where it lands. But be careful! you will take falling damage, depending on how far you throw the pearl. You cannot throw an ender pearl in creative mode.

How do you ender pearl in minecraft?

With the ender pear you can teleport that costs you some hearts and you just need to right click, the eye of ender is used to track down the ender portal that leads to the ender dragon.

What does purlenderer do in Minecraft?

I'm sorry but there is no such thing as a purlenderer in Minecraft. If you are referring to an ender pearl then it teleports you to the spot that it lands when you throw it. You will take life when using it. An ender pearl can also be combined with blaze powder to make an eye of ender.

What can you do with the ender pearl on Xbox 360 1.8.2?

wiki minecraft

How do you throw a ender pearl in Minecraft computer?

Simply right-click(or whatever the right click is configured to) in the direction you wish to toss the ender pearl to toss it. It does not work in Creative mode.

How do you use a ender pearl to teleport in minecraft?

The ender pearl is used to locate fortresses that take you to the end an new world in 1.9.3 . You can get the pre releases on the internet.If you right click the ender pearl it will shoot of into the air you keep firing it until it drops down and does not move any more. Then you have to dig around until you find the portal that takes you to the end. BE WARNED there will be loads of strong mobs in the fortress so come prepared.\WARNING:The above answer is incorrect. It is only applicable for ender eyes. To teleport with an ender pearl, simply right click where you want to go. -2b3o4o

How do you throw ender pearl in creative?

By throwing ender pearls,you click the right mouse button with the ender pearl in your hand.

How do you make an ender chest in minecraft?

To make an ender chest, you'll need 8 obsidian and an eye of ender. It is very important that you make sure you have the eye of ender and not the ender pearl, don't be confused by the two! To make an eye of ender, you will need one blaze powder and the ender pearl. Blaze powder is made from one blaze rod (dropped from a blaze). Then, with the 8 obsidian, using the crafting table, you place obsidian in the same manner you would a chest, with all the boxes filled except the middle, the middle is filled with the eye of ender. I have provided the crafting recipe visual in the related links below!

How do you make a ender bubble on Minecraft?

There's no such thing as an ender bubble. However, there are ender pearls that drop from endermen. If you throw, it teleports you to where it lands but does 2 hearts of damage. There is also an Eye of Ender which is ender pearl + blaze powder. When thrown, it takes you in the direction of the nearest stronghold end portal. You also need it to activate the portal.

How do you mix blaze powder with a eye of end er on Minecraft?

The eye of ender does not need to be mixed with blaze powder. You can MAKE an eye of ender by putting blaze powder and an ender pearl in the crafting grid in your inventory or a crafting table.

Is ender thomas in a relationship?

Ender Thomas is a Venezuelan born singer. He is currently signed to the Disney Pearl Label. He is not listed in a relationship however he does welcome contact through his My Space page.

Is there any use to an Ender Pearl on minecraft xbox 360 edition?

you can teleport in survival mode when you throw it