I believe the symbol is supposed to mean his power or something notice in the 2nd game james heller gets a jacket and it has a diffrent design to than Alexs that or some gang he was in or i dont even know
What do you mean by Jacket? If it is a case you could rinse it with water and fry it VERY VERY VERY goof so no water gets to the wii remote.
it is the symbol for the 7th column- a fansite for the halo community
The symbol is the oficial symbol for the kanto trainer championship, it is stated that he won it in a draw or contest when a mankey stole it from him in a early episode
Traction Control.
FMJ means Full Metal Jacket and it is just deep impact from Call of Duty 4.
It is the symbol of Uzushiogakure, a village that Konoha had a close relationship with
The symbol on the back of Tsunade's jacket is 'kake' - the Japanese character for gambling or betting
I read somewhere that it's supposed to show the "spectrums of music" or something similar.
dante would win of course i mean alex mercer has sharpend weapons he wouldn't even stand a chance with dante dante don't even need devil trigger all he need to do is to cut the crap out of this guy that's it or if he doesnt than get devil trigger and kill him in two seconds dante is a god a half human half demon he cannot be killed he cannot its impossible alec mercer can die dante has his ways don't doubt the son of sparda
I wonder if you mean cancer?
Depending upon which symbol you mean, it usually means that symbol DOUBLED.
You know when you hang jacket he ment that he was the jacket and he was gonna be hanged like one
Will is part Choctaw Indian, and in the Choctaw language, his last name meant "Red Jacket"
Alex means defender of people
it means an alex that is little
No, mainly because there is no Alex in the story.