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Codes you get off items have a bunch of letters and numbers. Codes from books are one word.

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Q: What does a club penguin code look like?
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What does the club penguin code icon look like?

It pretty much looks like a coin with a fish on it. Just like the coins on Club penguin.

How does the club penguin Thanksgiving party look like?

there is no thanksgiving party on club penguin everyone knows that

How do you get into the command room in the HQ in club penguin?

You need to buy the Club Penguin On ds and dsi then look at the instruction manual papers on the left side of the case and there will be a card with a code and type in the code at Club to get in there.

Club Penguin where is the code for the Club Penguin ds game?

To enter the Secret part in the HQ in Online just log in then type in your code somewhere.(simple) just look around

Where do you enter your code for the command room on club penguin?

How do you do it? Well' You download penguin storm of just look on!

How can you look like a club penguin baby?

dress like a baby...

How do you play the piano on club penguin and get the yellow puffle to like you?

You have to get the sheet music first. Look around club penguin!

What does the spanner look like on Club Penguin?

its not the comb or the scissors

What do you unlock with code on Club Penguin?

if you have Club Penguin the Ultimate Guide you get 5000 coins and a book and if you sit with the book you will look like you are reading. (you can also use it to ignore other people) Any more questions visit my message board

How do you get a coin code for club penguin FREE?

get the club penguin toy code generator go to google type in mediafire cp toy code generator then look around for it the download has to be at the web site Mediafire when you get to the website mediafire download it ITS THAT EASY

How do you be a collage kid on Club Penguin?

You don't get to pick your age on Club Penguin but you could by clothes to try to look like a collage kid.

What does a pocket look like on club penguin?

no one knows mate