One of the best secondary weapons in CoDMW2 is the 1887 shotgun. I recommend attaching akimbo to this for multiple damage. You must be quite a high level to unlock this weapon. Also it is good if you have FMJ and akinbo if you have bling pro unlocked!
FMJ means Full Metal Jacket and it is just deep impact from Call of Duty 4.
FMJ,akimbo,and tatical knife
empty a full LMG clip into enemys without missing or reloading.
M4A1- FMJ and Silencer Model 1887- Akimbo and FMJ Bling Pro Stopping Power Pro Ninja Pro You should try the ACR too. GT-xQSKxSCOPESx 10th prestige level 57 (legit)
fmj make more dameage on your target when he/she is in cover XD
Ferdinand Barrot died in 1883.
Ferdinand Barrot was born in 1806.
Bill Barrot was born on 1944-05-06.
Jacques Barrot was born on 1937-02-03.
Odilon Barrot died on 1873-08-06.
Odilon Barrot was born on 1791-07-19.
alberto nexus and wade barrot i love wade barrot though hes sexy!
One of the best secondary weapons in CoDMW2 is the 1887 shotgun. I recommend attaching akimbo to this for multiple damage. You must be quite a high level to unlock this weapon. Also it is good if you have FMJ and akinbo if you have bling pro unlocked!
level up