cards that specifically state that they cannot be special summoned from the graveyard, like ancient gear golem, or the very limited card: Tyler the great warrior (only one in the world) also an elemental hero fusion
No victors' brain is way bigger than tyler's, tyler is just dumb like ethan.
First, it depends on what rarity it is. There are kinds of rarity: -Common -Rare -Super Rare -Ultra Rare -Secret Rare -Ultimate Rare -Ghost Rare -Star Foil (In Star Packs) (Not all cards have all the rarities.) Then, it depends on the card itself. Certain cards in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Meta are priced based on how it is doing in the meta game or how rare like Tyler the Great Warrior, only one exists. That also includes tournament prize cards. Check on Ebay or any similar sites to check the average prices of the cards.
If you go on the official warrior cats website there are 3 games in the games category.
It really depends on your playing style...If you like being able to last a while will doing moderate dmg then warrior if you like the burst dmg then go rogue.
he looks like the card he made
A lot. Although is says so on the tin version of the card, it is not actually "limited", unlike cards like Yasushi the Skull Knight, and Tyler the Great Warrior.
cards that specifically state that they cannot be special summoned from the graveyard, like ancient gear golem, or the very limited card: Tyler the great warrior (only one in the world) also an elemental hero fusion
Dark End Dragon is probably the most expensive card that people are actually buying at the moment. It is a shonen jump championship card, with a print run of just over 100, and it's not uncommon to see them go for over £1,000. There are rarer cards than this, like Tyler the Great Warrior, and the two- (and six-) of a kind Worlds prizecards, but these are very hard to price.
Actually the rarest is Tyler the Great Warrior.There is only one in print and that was given to a kid named Tyler. It was made for Tyler for part of the Make-a-Wish foundation. Its pretty rare.Another rare card is called Cyber Stein. It is only given away in a Shonen Jump Championship Prize pack. Although there is more than one card of Cyber Stein.Once someone bid for Cyber Stein on ebay for I think 20,000 dollars.Tyler the Great Warrior isnt pretty rare.Its more like super duper ultimate ghostly one of a kind rare because Tyler owns the only copy ever made!Im sure the people that work for yugioh picked one up too though.If tyler ever thought of selling this card then it would probably sell for thousands of dollars or be considered a fake.
You should listen to your leader and follow the warrior code. But if you believe that you have to break the code then do it like Firestar did when he was an apprentice and a warrior.
named after a great warrior or somein like dat.
yea they are from Greeks because of the Great Alexander. Pashtun Afghan are originally from Greeks that's why they are so warrior like as we have knowledge about ancient Greeks, those were really warrior.
respectful sweet romantic beautiful funny love his company great personility
It depends on what Tyler you are talking about.
This is John tyler
It depends on what Tyler you are talking about.