Pokemon is Japanese
No. No.
Sorry that a hard question to answer, but since Pokemon is Japanese piplup could mean anything.
if you mean "Main Character" His name in the English dub is Ash Ketchum. In the original Japanese, his name is Satoshi witch is actually Japanese for Ash.
Do you mean for the contests. And is you mean to make Pokemon then you have to be the Japanese creators in Japan....
In Japanese, Pokemon means pocket monsters
Pokemon is Japanese
Snivy (japanese-Tsutarja) The grass type Pokemon Tepig (japanese-Pokabu) The fire type Pokemon Oshawott (japanese-Mijumaru) The water type Pokemon
No, you will need a Japanese game to do that.
No. No.
Axew is called Kibago in the Japanese versions, if that's what you mean.
The Japanese name for Dialga is Diaruga.
they already did even with Japanese versions you can get a Japanese in amazon.com
Sorry that a hard question to answer, but since Pokemon is Japanese piplup could mean anything.