I think you mean "NPC"? In which case, NPC stands for "non-playable character"
If you mean what is the name of the Sims 2 game its called the Sims 2 Nightlife that's the one with the vampires.
no you cannot kill anyone in the sims 2 :( well, i don't know, i KNOW you can't nomally, but i bet you can use a cheat code. i know a lot of cheats for the sims 2 but i dont know this one. U can, all u have 2 do is type in boolprop testingcheatsenabled true, i think u select spawn or add neighbor something like that & click on NCP Killer Actually, you can without a cheat. You go onto the official sims 2 site where you can download stuff, there you can download a sword, with that you can murder another sim.
If you mean Sims 2 Castaway for PS2 then no, there is unfortunately no two player mode that I know of. Sorry!
No, you cannot have Sims 2 pets on Sims 3. You must have Sims 3 pets for Sims 3 or Sims 2 pets for Sims 2.
the sims 2 double deluxe is the sims 2 + the sims 2 nightlife + the sims 2 celebration stuff pack
Make sure you have moved Sims in before you play. Occasionally when you build a dormitory (or even apartment), the NCP Sims won't move in like you'd expect. Restart the game and try again.
If you mean what is the name of the Sims 2 game its called the Sims 2 Nightlife that's the one with the vampires.
NCP stands for Network Control Program.
Ncp mp
what do you mean?
I am presuming you mean how do you get a car on sims 2? you have to have sims 2 nightlife, then you go onto miscelaneous n u can buy a car :)
It is easy.If you mean expansion packs then they will say for example The sims 2 Nightlife or The sims 3 generations.Or if you mean the actual game then it will say The Sims 2 and have about 5 people.And the sims 3 game would say The Sims 3.And have alot of different sims heads there.Lol.Though I think The Sims 3 holds a virus behind the fun!!:o
If you mean like you can freely in The Sims 3, then you can't.
Woohoo is basically sex, they just call it woohoo on the sims 2
On sims 2, you can get any animals. But if you mean sims 2 pets, you can ony have cats and dogs
first thing it is the sims 2 pets and abducted means that you were takin by aleins
what do you mean walk yourself you can walk in the neighborhood if that's what you mean and you can control him too like Sims 2