it means stay away from the old man who asks little kids into his house for a special treat.
Bth (Bonus to hit) is just a little added chance for your attack to not miss. The higher your bth, the less you miss.
If you mean as a pet, there is armored frost dragon which is now rare but was dropped from the frost dragon on mount frost or the armored baby frost dragon which is also now rare but was the reward from the quest Turn Dracolich into Dragon. If you mean how to get to it, then that too is rare but was located in Ice cave (/join icecave) or Mount Frost (/join mountfrost).
it mean is dogs are comeing on round 6 No, It means Beware of the Nova six gas, as seen in the multiplayer. The 'crawlers' on kino are pumped full of the gas.
If you mean how to change your armor look (like from regular adventurer outfit to lets say Dragon Slayer suit). You sadly can't for some reasons you can only change your weapons,hair,face,and shield.
to swarm in Pokemon means that there is alot of Pokemon in a certain area like beating the elite four and talking to dawns little sister she tells u where 2 find certain Pokemon u can only get in one area
You mean hacks in adventure quest world, and sorry, I don't hack.
If you mean Adventure Quest Worlds, yes. They are oicu812 , dragonkhan8234280 , and thirteen1. You can enter these in Battleon Town by talking to Valencia. They may add more codes later on.
journey, quest, adventure
if you mean dracomancer go to dragonspine in travel map
That depends what you mean in adventure quest its a single player game so i dont think you can face another player but in adventure quest worlds you have to join player vs player (pvp) from Dumoose at battleon in order to face other players.
* venture * enterprise * exploit * feat * ordeal * trial * expedition * mission * quest * peril * undertaking
Train your character and buy Uber sets? what? no i mean opposite of evil
What do you mean unlock? They're free; they don't need unlocking.
if its a gift card i think there will be a code but if you mean you bought it on the Internet from there if its not a gift card then no.
if you mean chain saw go to the faire forest and some snevils have them... or their are some people with saws that you can get...
Well, I havent heard that you could get any sort of invitation! If you mean an invitaion to adventure quest worlds then its probobly in your EMAIL or your parents email, depending on whatever one your charater is linked to. Other wise there is no invataion of a sort i know of.
U mean the good reps? if u mean that then do Alteon's quest if u mean more better like being good like a better person then go in the beta world (i mean the old world the old world only has that) or u can finish all quest.