K means One Thousand
So, 400k means Four hundred thousand
The only way to make that much money in a time as short as 20 minutes is to sell something that costs 400k or more.
Yes, they are I used google to find out ( I am member i kill em) if they were non member it would be good tho coz u can make 400k per hour
The difference between it is the case and the price. A game becomes a platinum game once it hit 400k units sold I believe. The game DVD still has the same thing as a normal game DVD. Just a way for the sellers to mark down what use to be a popular game for others to buy.
Feux mean Fire and le mean the. The Fire
What does videlicet mean
k mean thousand so 600k mean's 600 thousand 400k mean's 400 thousand
kilo or in term of money = 1,000
400K is equal to 126.85 degrees Celsius.
The only way to make that much money in a time as short as 20 minutes is to sell something that costs 400k or more.
400k as of 2008.
248.548 miles.
Salary of 400k.
400,000 $400,000.00