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On mission 3 go on the roof and use the paper clip to deactivate the electromagnet. The key to the roof is in G's desk in a drawer. Use your code to find the right key.

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Q: What do you use with the paper clip on club penguin?
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What do you use to destroy the circuits on club penguin?

the circits on the magnet? If so, the paper clip.

How do you deactivate the magnet on club penguin?

unscrew the front of the power box, use the paper clip and wait

How do you use the ElectroMagnet 3000 in Club Penguin?

open powa box with a wrench then put the paper clip inside it

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Keep trying! You will get it eventually!

In club penguin what is the key to open the case for the electromagnet?

under the couch in Gary's room, there is a paper clip use it to "break" the magnet. if u want to open the case, use the wrench on your spy phone.

How do you finish the Mysterious Tremors mission on Club Penguin?

Use the link below to view a clip and get assistance.

How do you turn off the giant magnet on 'Secret of the Fur' in Club Penguin?

Go to the Roof (using the key), use your wrench on power box then get your paper clip and you will turn off the giant magnet!

What do you do when you get on the roof on the missing money on club penguin?

you will find this fur type thing in the vent grab that then get the paper clip you found under the couch and once you open the box that is connected to the giant magnet and use your screwdriver in your phone to loosen those screws and put the paper clip inside of that box.

How do you beat the magnet on club penguin in the mission 2?

You find a paper clip in the sports shop under the couch first then you go to the magnet use your rench in your spy phone open the box beside the magnet and throw the paper clip in. This makes the box blow up and the magnet dies.

Where do you find any paper or hair on club penguin mission 2?

You use the book you get the information from

Can you use a weopon on Club Penguin?

No, you cannot use one on Club Penguin. If you're thinking about that then Club Penguin is not the right place to be.

How do you disassemble the power box in the gift shop roof in club penguin?

u mean the mission well its easy u grab the wrench from your spy phone and click on it and use that paper clip under the couch then poof its destrode