You can counter a grass type with a flying type that would give you the best advantage because grass moves are weak against flying types and there weak against flying type moves.
the best Pokemon to use against electric Pokemon is ground/rock Pokemon.
Grass moves are neither supper effice on not effictive its better to use a psychic to fight a fighting pokemon
On youtube it said to use pokeradar in grass On youtube it said to use pokeradar in grass
Use the poke radar and grass will spark yellow but if a shiny it will be blue.
Water Pokemon. You can also use rock Pokemon such as geodude or onix. Do not use grass or steel Pokemon these types are week against fire.
it depends on the tipe of cards your partner has.
You use the Pokeradar in tall grass in Pokemon Pearl version. The grass will shake and show you the location of rarer Pokemon.
The best attacks are: Aron fire tipe (except for drapion use ground) Bertha water tipe (except for qusgire use ice) Flint water/ground tipe Lucian ghost/dark (except for brongzong use fire)
You should use a firetype Pokemon to win in the grass gym it will be alot easer! ROFL You should use a firetype Pokemon to win in the grass gym it will be alot easer! ROFL You should use a firetype Pokemon to win in the grass gym it will be alot easer! ROFL
the best Pokemon to use against electric Pokemon is ground/rock Pokemon.
if i were you i would use any pokemon that knows grass knot
I always use Roselia, or cacturn.
use dive go in the deep sea grass he will be in the grass
do not use grass type Pokemon on him
You can use that for the golden trees to catch Pokemon or use the honey in the grass to make Pokemon appear
use it in the tall grass in the wild and the music will change and see the moving grass then go to the moving grass and a wild Pokemon will come out and kill or catch it and it has to be the same Pokemon. do it until the Pokemon is different Pokemon appears then stop and run if you want to do it again walk 50 steps and do it from the beginning
Walk around in grass,use surf or fish