Grass moves are neither supper effice on not effictive its better to use a psychic to fight a fighting pokemon
Fighting Pokemon are good against Ice, Normal, Rock, Dark, and Steel Pokemon.
Super-effective against rock: Water, grass, fighting, steel, ground Rock is not very effective against: Fighting, steel, ground
Flying type moves are super-effective against grass, bug, and fighting Pokemon. However, they are only half-as-effective against electric, rock, and steel Pokemon.
The following are good against ice type Pokemon... Fire Grass Ice
fighting is good against normal Pokemon
Fighting Pokemon are good against Ice, Normal, Rock, Dark, and Steel Pokemon.
Super-effective against rock: Water, grass, fighting, steel, ground Rock is not very effective against: Fighting, steel, ground
grass= good against water, rock water=good against fire,rock steel fire= good against steel, grass, bug ice=good against grass, electric dark=good against anything ghost=good against normal, fighting fighting=good against normal flying good against fighting rock good against flying steel good against electric, flying poison=good against bug, flying, normal psychic=good against fighting, poison dragon good against dragon,
its not great but it isn't bad. i suggest that u use flying or psychic. hope i helped :-)
Flying type moves are super-effective against grass, bug, and fighting Pokemon. However, they are only half-as-effective against electric, rock, and steel Pokemon.
The following are good against ice type Pokemon... Fire Grass Ice
fighting is good against normal Pokemon
Flying type moves are super-effective against grass, bug, and fighting Pokemon. However, they are only half-as-effective against electric, rock, and steel Pokemon.
Fighting Pokemon
Rock-type Pokemon are weak against Water, Grass, Ground, Steel, and Fighting-type attacks, which doubles the damage received from one of these types.
the pokemon good against fighting are: flying ground fire (I think)
Electric Pokemon, and Grass Pokemon are good against water