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You have to type in "PAttyPete"

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Q: What do you tell walda's dad to make her happy in Pokemon emerald?
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How do you get a Crobat in Pokemon Emerald?

if you make your golbat happy, give it the soothebell, make it the first Pokemon in your poketeam and don't let it faint !

When does golbat evolve in Pokemon emerald?

make it happy by giving it zinc, protein,and carbos then use rarecandy or lvlup it

What word that will make happy the girl in rustboro city in Pokemon Emerald version?

Go to google and type in Pokemon emerald secret word generator. Then you can customize your own wallpaper for the pc (it all depends on your trainer number)

When does Pokemon Sky Emerald come out?

Pokemon will probably make aurora emerald if anything.

What will make a baby with Blaziken on Pokemon emerald?

There are several Pokemon that will make a baby with Blaziken on Pokemon Emerald. These include Pikachu, Sandshrew, and Vulpix.

How do you make the little girl happy in Pokemon emerald? - Pokémon Smaragd Geheimwort-Generator go to and then you type in emerald word generator and click the link above

How do you make little girl happy in Pokemon emerald?

Give the girl the drinks from the vending machine Give the girl the drinks from the vending machine

How do you make walda happy in emerald?


How do you make the characters in Pokemon Emerald nude?

By getting an Editor for Pokemon Emerald that allows you to modify the sprites...

How do you make a full Pokemon to hungry in Pokemon emerald?

Not possible.

How can you make a Pokemon happy in Pokemon Pearl?

You can make it happy by treating it to spa.

How do you make the battle with your dad available on Pokemon emerald?

of course after you get empoleon in emerald