the same gameboy advanced cable u use to trade with the rest of the GBA Pokemon games u jus plug 1 side into the gamecube/wii
No you will need Emerald or Pokemon Colosseum to trade you a Sudowoodo.
Hoothoot is normally unavailble in firered you will need to have emerald version trade you one or you can get one from colosseum.
You need to evolve a feebas to get a milotic to do that you must maximize feebas's beauty stat by feeding it blue pokeblock made from a ganlon berry to get that berry you need to trade it from Pokemon colosseum or Pokemon xd gale of darkness.
just trading ------ Oddish is a Fire Red exclusive Pokemon. You need to trade to get it.
You need to trade one from fire red/leaf green version.Or somebody to trade you one.
No you don't need too
You can only get Jirachi from the Pokemon colosseum bonus disc.As for Deoxys, you need to trade it off fire red or leaf green
at the second floor of the Pokemon center. but u need a connector to play trade center or colosseum
No you will need Emerald or Pokemon Colosseum to trade you a Sudowoodo.
No but you do need one if you want to trade with Pokemon colosseum and you also need a GBA to GCN cable and a ruby or sapphire or emerald or firered or leafgreen.
Someone on 1 island gives it to you. If you think you need both Gems to trade, you may want to try tradeing from fire red to colosseum or xd, then to ruby Sapphire emerald from colosseum.
you need to beat the grand master at the NEW COLOSSEUM.
You can't trade directly to Pokemon Colosseum. You need a GBA and a 3rd generation game (Emerald, FireRed, LeafGreen, etc.) and the GBA adapter cable to connect with the Gamecube. You can trade to there and then migrate the Pokemon to your Diamond.
You need to get its little evolded form of houndoomYou would have to trade a houndoom from colosseum or emerald.
pokemon do not evolve on pokemon colosseum
Ho-Oh is unobtainable in the wild in Ruby or Sapphire without cheating. You will therefore need to trade for it from Pokémon Colosseum...or Fire Red, Leaf Green, or Emerald if you have access to the Mystic Ticket.
You can't catch Ho-Oh in Pokémon Platinum, you need to trade it from Pokémon Colosseum or with someone who has it.