You will require a Lobster pot in order to start fishing lobsters. As of the Toolbelt update it is no longer required to have one present in your inventory.
If your asking about Rock Lobster you can get them on Gull Island. (Then you give the rock lobster to Toby so you can marry him)
* Lamprey (fish) * Limpet (freshwater snail) * Ling (fish) * Lionfish * Lobster * Loggerhead turtle * Lungfish The Loch Ness Monster
You can find it spring and winter at gull island. hope this helps. xxx
Baiji (dolphin) Baleen whale Balloonfish Barb (freshwater fish) Barnacle (crustacean) Barracuda (fish) Bass (fish) Beaver Beluga whale Blowfish Blue whale Bluefish Blue spiny lobster Blue tipped shark Bream Boa Boto (Amazon dolphin) Boutu (dolphin) Bubble fish Bullfrog
In RuneScape a Lobster heals 120 HP!
You need a fishing level of 40 or above to fish lobsters.
Since the last time I checked, fish.
Fresh Fish - Live Lobster = Red Lobster
yes some fish like flounder eat lobster
any where
Depending on what size the fish.
well I am just taking a shoot in the dark here but I do not think that you would want to keep a lobster as a pet I mean I would not but I think you could just keep any lobster as a pet as long as it is not on the endangered list.
The crayfish isn't a fish at all - it is related to the lobster.
sea birds,fish,crab,lobster,clams,shellfish,and more!!!