

Best Answer

Baiji (dolphin) Baleen whale Balloonfish Barb (Freshwater Fish) Barnacle (crustacean) Barracuda (fish) Bass (fish) Beaver Beluga whale Blowfish Blue whale Bluefish Blue spiny lobster Blue tipped shark Bream Boa Boto (Amazon dolphin) Boutu (dolphin) Bubble fish Bullfrog

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Q: Sea creatures starting with b
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Names of sea creatures starting with letter b?

Sea creatures starting with B include bass, blowfish, barracuda, barbot, butterfish, bluefish, black manta, basa...

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What are some deep sea creatures that begin with the letter B?

· Barracuda

Which sea creatures names start with B?

Beluga whale, blue whale

What is the name of a large sea starting with the letter b?

Baltic Sea

What are some sea creatures starting with the letteri?

Icefish and ide are fish. They begin with the letter i.

What Sea creatures starting with the letter t?

· Tiger Shark · Tilapia · Trout · Tuna

A sea creature starting with the letter p?

Piranha are a sea creature. Additional sea creatures include prickly shark, Pacific viperfish and pilot fish.

Are sea creatures dinosaurs?

Some sea creatures have ansetors of dinosaurs

What sea creatures starts with the letters B C?

well some catfish wander into the ocean and crocs too

All the under water sea creatures?

If you mean, "are all under water creatures, sea creatures?" then no. The term SEA is for the ocean and there also can be creatures in freshwater. Also some creatures that live in water such as some snakes and sea turtles come out of the water every so often, so they are no total sea/water creatures. Fish are underwater creatures though.

Are there any new sea creatures in the sea?

No there are not any new creatures at miami bech