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go down to valor lakefront (you can catch azelf if you want to aswell) and head down the road that used to be blocked by some guy. this will lead to sunnyshore city where you head to the lighthouse and speak to volkner and then you can battle him in his gym(in the top left of the bridge system) after beating him he will tell you that you can now get to the elite 4 to get there you'll need surf,waterfall,strength,rock climb and rock smash I think (best check that)


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Q: What do you need to do after you catch Palkia in Pokemon pearl?
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Spear Pillar, which is in Mt. Coronet. You need to battle/catch it to move onto Sunyshore.

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From what I know, no. To see Palkia on Diamond or Pearl, catch or trade. Hope I helped. Sorry.

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You can catch them, You need to go to go to the Pokemon Mansion (Near route 212 and Pastoria) and go into the trophy garden, you can also find Pikachu's there too! Hope I helped :-)

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If you want to get it without Wi-Fi, then you need Pokemon Pearl. Then, play the story until you get to Spear Pillar, where you fight Palkia.

Where can you catch Palkia in Pokemon pearl?

you go through mt. coronet, but u need Pokemon that can use Rock climb and strength and that crap. then you get to spear pillar and find them team galactic goons. battle Cyrus and then face ( ta DA) palkia. PS. good luck!

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