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Apparently you receive 100 diamonds but since I have never even met this Herobrine I don't know if this is true.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 4y ago

I know this is a scam because you have to put in certain seed in it

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Q: What do you get if you kill herobrine?
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What happens when you kill herobrine 3 times?

The exact behaviour of the Herobrine in your game, is determined by whichever of the many Herobrine mods you are using.

Why does herobrine kill people on minecraft?

Herobrine isn't real.

How do you kill Herobrine in Minecraft?

Herobrine does not exist. Its a myth. Some people claim to have "seen" him, but the pictures are always fuzzy.

Why does everyone run away when they see Herobrine?

Everyone runs away when they see Herobrine because he will kill them and grief their world

Does herobrine kill?

Every one but me, I hang out with him all the time! if your his date he wont go hard on you. I'm serious. I'm warning you, if you don't believe me he is going to stalk and kill you, I can get his contact.

How can you kill herobrine?

You CAN kill Herobrine, however, the only way to do so is with diamond sword, diamonds armor and a bow and 2 stacks of 64 arrows. The only other way is make a HUGE hole and fill the bottom with lava. Herobrine can break blocks so you can't pour lava on him when he falls in... You have to have it in before so he dies right away.

Was herobrine removed?

He was removed because he would troll you everytime you logged on and he could kill you on creative mode

Is herobrine nice?

he is harmless until you hit him or go to his property.If you find him dont hide in a cave,mineshaft or dont try to kill him.If you kill him he haunts you until you delete the server.

Did herobrine exist in 1.1?

yes he does but one thing to remember dont be scared just go up to him and kill him

Do you have to worry about herobrine in Minecraft?

No. There is no Herobrine in Minecraft.

Why is Herobrine a misnomer?

Herobrine is a misnomer because the first 2 syllables is "hero" and Herobrine is'nt a hero, he's actually a villain. Brine is the short form Herobrine.

Was herobrine removed from xbox 360?

Herobrine was never in the XBox 360 version. He is user-made content on the PC version only.