Give the red scale to Mr. Pokemon (The guy who gave you the mystery egg in the beginning of the game) and he gives you Exp. share for it.
You trade the red scale to Mr.Pokemon for the EXP Share. You get the red scale from the red Gyrados in the Lake of Rage. Hope it helped. =D
When you defeat the red GYARADOS in the lake of rage you will find a RED SCALE in your pack.Go to Mr.Pokemon's house and give him the red scale and in return he will give you EXP. SHARE.
You can't trade Pokemon from Pokemon Gold to Pokemon Red, you can only trade Pokemon from Red to Gold and not the opposite.
you get the gyrados scale after defeating or capturing the red gyrados,then if you show it to mr pokemon,he'll trade it for an exp share
If it's like heart gold for this, then catch the red guarados, and u should get a red scale, go to mr.pokemons, house, and he will want to trade your red scale for his exp.share. Say yes, and u have an exp.share
get the red gyrados at lake of rage
beating / catching the red gyrados in the lake
Kill or capture the red Gyarados at the Lake of Rage.
You trade the red scale to Mr.Pokemon for the EXP Share. You get the red scale from the red Gyrados in the Lake of Rage. Hope it helped. =D
When you defeat the red GYARADOS in the lake of rage you will find a RED SCALE in your pack.Go to Mr.Pokemon's house and give him the red scale and in return he will give you EXP. SHARE.
You can't trade Pokemon from Pokemon Gold to Pokemon Red, you can only trade Pokemon from Red to Gold and not the opposite.
# after you defeat or catch the red gyrados you pick up a red scale. # then afteryou get it go to mr pokemons house (the guy who gave you the mystery egg) and he will trade you your red scale for the expshare.
if ur looking for rock climb, you might as well say that red is blue
you get the gyrados scale after defeating or capturing the red gyrados,then if you show it to mr pokemon,he'll trade it for an exp share
If it's like heart gold for this, then catch the red guarados, and u should get a red scale, go to mr.pokemons, house, and he will want to trade your red scale for his exp.share. Say yes, and u have an exp.share
another simple answer for Pokemon master torie ... go to the lake of rage and north from mahogany town you can catch it or defeat either one you will still get a red scale DO NOT KEEP THE SCALE take it to MR POKEMON in exchange for the exp share ( no worries if you defeat it it will re appear after you defeat lance the champion)
When you battle the Red Gyrados at the Lake of Rage, it will drop a Red Scale, whether you capture it or not. Take this Red Scale to Mr. Pokemon (the man who gave you Togepi's egg), and he will offer you an Exp. Share in exchange for the scale. The Red Scale has no other purpose, so you may as well do so. If you do not remember where Mr. Pokemon's house is go North of CherryGrove City you will be on route 30, keep heading north until you get to his house which will have a PSNCRBERRY tree next to it.