you can host a party in your igloo or hold a balloon with you and if you want more cheats on clubpenguin go to
google clubpenguin cheats
i got a clubpenguin joke BUT its from the clubpenguin joke book. what did the penguin sail on? the C!i got a clubpenguin joke BUT its from the clubpenguin joke book. what did the penguin sail on? the C!
i cant dress my puffules on clubpenguin
You get the chevrons on clubpenguin by being on clubpenguin for a while. For instance ive been on clubpenguin for quite a while i dont know how long but i have the blue and orange stripe. I hadnt been a member on clubpenguin for quite a while then i finally got it. it is based on how long you've been on clubpenguin
Rare items on clubpenguin are old items so if you have any old items put those on and they would be considered rare From the Clubpenguin penguin zeldakid
They are for the puffle party
The golden feather is on the beacon on top of the balloon box.
i think you have to be a memeber and go on the hot air balloon
the balloon in clubpenguin can be in the betters igloos catalog but its not there anymore and if you want more cheats and more sneak peeks about clubpenguin and if there is gonna be a water dojo go to its the best website ever over 1 million people suscribed to it and there is always something new
you have to go to the gift shop and raise the gift shop up with the balloon on the side and put the net from the lighthouse under it and put the pegs on it and hammer them
you can get clubpenguin cheats but not clubpenguin
its clubpenguin. clubpenguin 2 clubpenguin it's clubpenguin but 2 added to it that's all
If you asked who makes clubpenguin Disney makes clubpenguin
No battman is not on clubpenguin.
No you can not fight in clubpenguin.
You can buy it in the clubpenguin store
No you cannot have kids on clubpenguin.