The standard box rules say that in the case of a tie, the player who has the highest score before adjusting scores for unplayed tiles is the winner.
In club/tournament settings, a tie is just a tie and counted as 1/2 a win.
K is the only letter with a score of 5.
If your word crosses triple work score in Scrabble, you get three times the points you would get for that word.
A blank tile is Scrabble is worth zero points. You will score the rest of the word, but add 0 for the score of the blank tile.
A blank tile is not worth anything - it gets no score.
A tie game.
Chicago won the tie breaker game for the 2008 AL Central Division championship by the score of 1-0.
A score of say 2 2 between teams is a draw which is the equivalent of a tie
lie tie
lie tie
a tie breaker!
It was a tie, 2-2
Yes! Absolutely, two people get the same score.
A sacrific is when a batter bunts to try to score the runner on third to score the winning run or tie the game.
If the other team did not tie the score or go ahead after the starting pitcher was taken out of the game, the starter would get the win. If the other team did tie the score or go ahead after the starter was taken out, the starter would get a no decision.
13-13 tie.