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If your word crosses triple work score in Scrabble, you get three times the points you would get for that word.

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Q: What is triple word score in scrabble?
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Related questions

What value is the centre square on a scrabble board?

It is the equivalent of a triple word score.

Can you use a triple word score twice in scrabble?

No you cannot according to the official Scrabble rule book

In scrabble if a triple word score is used to make two words do you get credit for it twice?

Yes. Once for each word.

What particular color of the cells on the scrabble board corresponds to a triple word score?

Tripple-word quares are coloured red.

What do each of the tiles mean on the Scrabble board?

The colors correspond to special squares such as double letter score and triple word score. Red: Triple Word Score Pink: Double Word Score Dark Blue: Triple Letter Score Light Blue: Double Letter Score

Can you reuse a triple letter score in scrabble?

No. The scores on the board squares can be used only one time. When you form a word with a letter on the triple letter square, you score only the points for the letter itself.

If a Scrabble word spans two triple-word score boxes do you get 9 times the score or 6 times the score?

9 times. The score is TRIPLED (x3) and then re-TRIPLED (x3 again), which is the equivalent of multiplying by 9.

How many triple letter score spaces are there on a scrabble board?

There are twelve (12) triple letter score, dark blue squares, on a standard scrabble board.

First letter of this element on a triple score in scrabble?


What is the best scrabble word ever?

quartz is the best word you can make on scrabble even if it is not on triple word!!! equinox is better because you will use all your letters and get a 50 point bonus! Nah..."CONQUEST" down off top left or right triple word score or across from top or bottom left triple word score puts "Z" on double letter score - word alone is worth 29 times by 3 times by 3 (lands on both triple word scores) plus 50 for seven letter word = 224. As it's an eight letter word it needs another player to have already played a word with one of the low value tiles in the right place.

How many triple words score squares on Scrabble board?


How many squares along one side of a scrabble board?

There are five (5) different colors on a standard scrabble board. The colors, its number of squares and score are: red (8 squares) =triple word score pink (17 squares) =double word score dark blue (12 squares) =triple letter score light blue (24 squares) =double letter score offwhite (164 squares) =single letter score Since 2008, the colours have changed red to orange pink to red dark blue to green light blue to blue