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I just got a member card! go to canalave city and you can go to the hotel. then you get darkrai. you can go to the island anytime you want by talking to the sailor

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Q: What do you do with Member card?
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Where is the key to harbor inn in platinum?

You cannot get the Member Card in gameplay. You get it through a event. But the Member Card Event is no longer available. If you have the Member Card, you can catch Darkrai.

How do you get member card from friend in Pokemon platinum?

Have your friends Pokemon hold the member card and trade it.

What is the code on the member card to be a member in freerealms?

you have to buy that.

Can you find the member's card with the drowsing machine?

No it's not possible that way, you get Member card in mystery gift

How do you get a membercard in Fantage?

all you have to do is go to the homepage and it will say member card and you click it and you make a member card

What is a member card in Nintendo event?

A Member's Card is a pass into the inn at the northeast part of Canalave City.

How do you get to be a fight my monster member?

u have to get the member ship with a card

Can you cheat to be a member?

no, but if you want to be a member you can buy a membership card

Is the harbor inn open after you catch Cresselia?

No, you can only get in if you have the member card which you use to catch darkrai. You get the member card from event.

How much is a free Moshi Monsters member card?

You do not need a member card to get the free Basic membership on Moshi Monsters.

What level do you have to be to become a member on Fantage?

there is no certain level you have to be to be a member on fantage you must get a game card or pay by credit card

When you can see check card on Pokemon platinum?

i think its when you have a member card