The character says they are encumbered, they move slowly or stop, and the weight number in the inventory turns yellow or red.
You need to distribute the weight equally between your party, or failing that you'll need to sell or drop some of the heavier or less valuable items.
The key is in the sewer in the first level of the Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance.
Pass by save point
A D6 means a six sided die (a regular die) so one D6 means you do from 1 to 6 damage, determined randomly. 1D4 means you randomly do between 1 and 4 damage.
you cannot go past the gate. you have to use telekenetic grab spell (lvl 33 magic, 1 law rune, 1 air rune) to get anything on the other side. you cannot get the ruby ring actually u can get the ruby ring dig next 2 the gate
while you are on your farm go out the gate, then you should find the store its red with a purple roof.
The key is in the sewer in the first level of the Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance.
Pass by save point
At the moment, the rights are owned by Atari.
Nope you can play as drizzt do'ourden though
No, because in the second game there are different characters from the first game's characters, and at the end of the first Baldur's Gate, they get taken away.
You host a multiplayer game, and assign all characters to yourself without having anyone else connect. That way you can use a complete party of custom characters.
Beneath the Snow Encumbered Branches was created in 1901.
I think it is the promoter holdings. The promoter has not taken debt against these shares.
of Encumber
The syllables in "encumbered" are en-cum-bered.
A D6 means a six sided die (a regular die) so one D6 means you do from 1 to 6 damage, determined randomly. 1D4 means you randomly do between 1 and 4 damage.