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You go on the SS Tidal, go to the battle tower and have one, final Trick House. I'm not happy with the amount to do after completing Pokemon League in Ruby and Sapphire...grrr...

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Q: What do you do in Pokemon Sapphire after you become the champion?
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How do you become a champion in Pokemon Sapphire?

you defeat all the elites(4 of them) and the previous champion

Do wally going tobe a champion in Pokemon sapphire?

Wally does not become the champion, but he is in victory road and is pretty powerful

What has to happen on Pokemon sapphire in order to trade to Pokemon fire red?

Simply become Pokemon champion by defeating the current champion steven at the Pokemon league. Also on firered make sure you have given the ruby and sapphire item to celio at one island and you also need the national dex which is given to you after you become Pokemon champion and as long as you have recorded 60 different Pokemon in your pokedex.

What happens if you become champion in Pokemon sapphire?

Congrats! You now have a ribbon that proves your worth plus you can do more things in sapphire now.

Where is Steve in Pokemon sapphire?

he lives in mossdeep in Pokemon Sapphire and he is the Pokemon league champion he is a steel type trainer.

Who is the champion at ruby?

The Champion of the Hoenn region in Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire is Steven Stone.

Who is the Pokemon Champion in Pokemon Sapphire?

The Pokémon champion is Steven, he has a team of powerful Pokémon including Metagross, Salamence and Milotic.

Where to find Wallace in Pokemon sapphire?

In the elite 4 hes the champion

Is wally going to be a champion in Pokemon sapphire?

Of course dimwit! He has the good pokemon! -Anonymous Group

What should you do when i beat the champion in Pokemon sapphire?

fire types beat steal

What do you do after beating all the Pokemon gyms and elite four and champion on Pokemon sapphire?

Try to complete the Pokédex.

Where can I find Steven after getting 7th badge and defeated team magma in Pokemon emerald?

you cant find him until you become Pokemon league champion... but after you become Pokemon league champion you can find him in meteor falls and he'll battle all his Pokemon are in the 70's though