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well all u have to do is go to he city called canalave city and go to the top left building on the 3rd floor ull find ur rival

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Q: What do you do in Pokemon Diamond after you beat Candice?
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What do you do after you beat Candice Pokemon diamond?

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you have to beat Candice at her gym then team galactic will smash a hole in it to get to spear pillar

Who is Candice in Pokemon diamond?

Candice is the 7th/snowpoint city gym leader

What Pokemon does Candice have in Pokemon Diamond?

Snover, Sneasel, Medicham, and Abomasnow

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beat Candice, defeat Cyrus in vielstone then go to mt. coronet in diamond only

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u need to beat Candice at snowpoint city and talk to Jupiter at lake acuity.

Where is Candice in snowpoint city?

In Pokemon pearl/platinum/diamond Candice is the 7th/snowpoint city gym leader.

How do you get rock climb to work on Pokemon diamond?

u would have to beat the 7th gym leader (candice of snowpoint city) to use rock climb outside of battle

How do you get rock climb in Pokemon platinum?

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How do you get to Candice on Pokemon diamond?

You have to remove snowballs and try to stop sliding on the ice

What is the first Pokemon gym leader Candice use in Pokemon diamond?

Ok i don't get you The 1st gym leader is Roark. Candice is the 7th gym leader. Ummm, dude who answered... they mean what Pokemon does Candice use first. and the answer is Snover i guess

How TO GET A Master ball in Pokemon diamond?

The boss of Team Galactic (Cyrus) gives you the Master Ball after you beat him in the Team Galactic hideout in Veilstone City. This happens after you beat Candice in the Snowpoint City Gym (7th Gym).