1. you can smash rocks to find items and fossils.
2. catch all the unknown and this guy will give you some kind of an item.
3. im not sure of this one but i think the arceus event takes place there.
hope this helps
Steven will never appear in the Ruins of Alph.
after getting all the unowns at Ruins of Alph when you go in the Ruins of Alph a celebi comes
by rock smashing rocks at ruins of alph
You can get natu at the ruins of alph in heart gold and soul silver
Have Arceus as the main Pokemon in your party, and then go to the Ruins of Alph and head towards the Research Lab, where a researcher will bump into you, and lead you there.
Steven will never appear in the Ruins of Alph.
In the Sinjoh ruins of alph?
after getting all the unowns at Ruins of Alph when you go in the Ruins of Alph a celebi comes
Right Next To Violet City.
go into the smaller ruins and slove the puzzels on the wall. The floor will open and you will fall into the ruins of alph. You will then find unown in the ruins.
It is in one of the chambers in the ruins of alph
You can't. You need to trade for one.
Use rock smash on the rocks in the ruins of alph
by rock smashing rocks at ruins of alph
somehow get arces then go to the ruins of alph and go into the lab
U have to have scroll down skill
It isn't available, you must rock smash in Ruins of Alph