u have to beat Morty and then you have to go to the dance center thing where the kimoto girls are and battle team rocket person then a man congratulates you and you get surf
Hope this helped!
You need Surf, Whirlpool , strength
Surf east from New Bark Town.
sorry you have to trade it to Pokemon soul silver
Yes because i have one and it knows surf
No, Chikorita is a grass type pokemon.
its by cerulean and you need surf.
if you have surf then anywhere with water
you need surf to get to the four ilsands
surf at the south of pallet town
From Pallet town surf South and it should be there.
By getting a water type Pokemon & teaching it surf
You need Surf, Whirlpool , strength
Surf east from New Bark Town.
head East of Cerulean City then surf a little.
To get the medicine for the Olivine Lighthouse's Ampharos you must have a Pokemon that knows surf. Surf to Cianwood, get the medicine from the medicine shop, surf back to Olivine, and give the medicine to Ampharos.
surf through passage ways in front of the island